Page 4 - Demo
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                                    Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 2S1 %u2022 Introduce the course.%u2022 What is involved in communication?%u2022 Identifying communication strengths and weaknesses and linking this to the EYFS.%u2022 Show the slide that shows %u2018Communication is at the heart of all we do%u2019.1.1.0 WELCOME ALL LEARNERS(Slide 3)1.2.0 INTRODUCTIONS%u2022 Give out sticky labels as name badges.%u2022 Introduce yourself and where you work.%u2022 Learners say who they are and the role they have in their setting, the age range they work with and how long they have been working in their setting.1.3.0 THE STRUCTURE OF THE COURSE(Slide 4)%u2022 Display the slides and read through the points.
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