Page 7 - Demo
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%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 5Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s1.5.0 COMMUNICATION CHAIN PROBLEM SOLVING ACTIVITY S1%u2022 Use the Communication Chain labels from the handout section. %u2022 Remember the colours - %u2018Green%u2019s for what you mean; Red%u2019s for what you said!%u2019 So print the labels on green and red card and laminate them.%u2022 Ask learners to move to part of the room where you can stand in a circle near a wall or flip chart to build the Communication Chain.%u2022 You take the label %u2018look%u2019 and invite learners to each take a Communication Chain label.%u2022 Ask participants to stand in a group and hold their labels so that everyone can read them.%u2022 Explain that many of the labels include ideas the groups suggested which are on the flip chart (from watching the video clip of Maisey and Vicky).%u2022 The task is to organise the information in some kind of order to represent what we do when communicating with someone. First we will think about all the things we do to listen and understand - emphasise the term Receptive Language Skills.%u2022 You start the chain by placing %u2018look%u2019 where you want it.%u2022 Ask %u2018What do we do next?%u2019 and encourage the next person to come forward etc.%u2022 Ask him/her to blutac the next label in place.%u2022 Follow the Communication Chain in Early Language Builders page 2 for the order and spacing.%u2022 Allow learners to problem solve which label they think comes next. Gently guide and affirm where necessary but try and take a %u2018back seat%u2019. %u2022 Once %u2018understanding meaning%u2019 has been displayed, summarise: these are all the processes involved in Receptive Language. Now we will look at all the things we do to talk - Expressive Language Skills.%u2022 Let the group problem solve.%u2022 If necessary, explain the terms: speak fluently, speak appropriately and self-monitor.1.6.0 CONCLUSIONWhilst still standing around the Communication Chain explain:%u2022 This is the framework that an SaLT uses even when asked to see a child who only has difficulty making one sound. The SaLT will want to explore all the other processes. This means that any information learners can give about these skills is very useful because they will probably know the child better than the SaLT.%u2022 It provides a common framework for all professionals to use, teachers, TA%u2019s and SaLT%u2019s.%u2022 We can start to share a language of terms used to describe communication skills. %u2022 We can see that there are many complex processes involved and that a problem