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                                    Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 6S1 with one aspect is likely to have an impact on others.AL: This framework applies equally to children acquiring more than one language. It is important to find out the child%u2019s skills in each aspect of the Communication Chain in each language the child uses/is exposed to. The SaLT will aim to do this but she needs help e.g. from parents, interpreters and bilingual members of staff. This is a complex task!(ELB. 2-6)%u2022 Explain that the Communication Chain and explanatory notes are available in Early Language Builders pages 2-6.%u2022 Suggest that learners return to their seats.BREAK1.7.0 IDENTIFYING CHILDREN WITH SLCN1.7.1 What monitoring tool do you use?(Slide 7)%u2022 Discuss what monitoring / progress checks each practitioner uses. %u2022 Draw learner%u2019s attention to typical %u2018expected stages%u2019, the range of development that can occur and when to be concerned. %u2022 Refer to the milestones information in the back to ELB.%u2022 50% of children, in areas of deprivation, are entering reception classes with delayed language. We need to narrow the gap.%u2022 If we don%u2019t know what skills children should have and we don%u2019t know which children are delayed or which children are at risk of delay. We don%u2019t know which children need additional support.%u2022 If we don%u2019t use a monitoring tool, we don%u2019t know and can%u2019t prove the positive impact all our hard work has had on improving the communication skills of the children in our settings.
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