Page 9 - Demo
P. 9

                                    %u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 7Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s1.8.0 VIDEO OBSERVATION EXERCISE S1(Slide 8)%u2022 Divide the group into 3s or 4s.%u2022 Hand round two copies of handout 1.8.0 per learner.%u2022 Encourage learners to complete their handout because they will be required to complete the same activity using a child in their setting when they complete their Learning Log.%u2022 Explain that they are about to watch two video clips of children with SLCN.%u2022 The first clip is of a 3 year old called Ethan.(Slide 9)%u2022 Suggest that they refer to the Communication Chain in the ELB. page 2 and start to use this framework.%u2022 While learners problem solve, draw three large circles (a venn diagram) to match handout 1.8.0 on the flip chart.%u2022 Ask learners to share ideas about the child%u2019s communication achievements (strengths) and then the communication challenges (weaknesses) and add these to the top circle of the venn diagram (handout 1.8.0).%u2022 Always list the achievements first. 
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