Page 32 - Banking Finance June 2024
P. 32


          Introduction                                        silent crisis to pave way for a more sustainable and well-
                                                              balanced work environment.
          The Indian banking landscape is undergoing a period of
          significant transformation. Mergers, acquisitions, rapid  The Alarming Reality
          technological  advancements,  and  an  increasingly
          competitive environment are driving growth in the sector.  Stress in Indian banks is not anecdotal; it is an alarming
          However, these changes come at a cost: a burgeoning  reality. There have been news across media that the Indian
          epidemic of stress among bank employees. Long working  banking professionals are experiencing higher levels of stress
          hours, demanding targets, and an ever-evolving regulatory  which is leading them to severe health related issues. Studies
          environment are taking a toll on mental and physical well-  conducted in this  regard  across major cities paint  a
          being.                                              concerning picture. A research study published in National
                                                              Journal of Community Medicine during 2022 found a
          This article delves into the issue of stress experienced by  staggering 75.5% of bank employees reported high and very
          employees in Indian banks, exploring its causes, and the  high stress levels.
          consequences. It also discusses strategies to address this
                                                              Even though the study was conducted among 192 bank
                                                              employees in the city of Puducherry, the issue of stressed
                                About the author              banking professionals exists across the banking offices/
                                                              branches. A news article released by Money Control in 2023
                          Gokul Brindhaban GR
                                                              quoted executives of a leading public sector bank as issuing
                          Senior Manager (Research Officer)
                          Union Learning Academy - People     orders to officials to work on holidays and weekends. It also
                          Excellence, Union Bank Knowledge    mentioned about the encouragement of late working hours
                          Centre, Bengaluru.                  by top executives of another public sector bank. The article

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