Page 33 - Banking Finance June 2024
P. 33


         also highlighted a protest carried out by the employees of a  likely  to  be  disengaged,  which  leads  to  lower
         public  sector  bank  in  January  2023  against  bank  productivity. This can have a significant impact on the
         management for the pressure exerted due to increased    bank's bottom line.
         workload.                                            2. Absenteeism  and  Presenteeism:  Stress-related

                                                                 illnesses can lead to increased absenteeism, while
         These concerns are a clear call to action, demanding    presenteeism reduces overall efficiency.
         immediate attention from both banks and policymakers to
                                                              3. Employee Turnover: A high-stress work environment
         address the pervasive issue of stress.
                                                                 can lead to increased employee turnover, resulting in
                                                                 costs associated with recruitment, training, and lost
         What Triggers Stress in Indian Banks?
         A multitude of factors conspire to create a stressful work
                                                              4. Compromised Customer Service: Stressed employees
         environment. Some of the major factors are discussed below.
                                                                 might struggle to provide the high level of customer
         1. Workload Overload:  Technological advancements
                                                                 service that banks strive for. This can damage customer
             without enough manpower have dramatically increased
                                                                 relationships and brand reputation.
             workloads for bank employees. They struggle to meet
             deadlines and manage ever-growing responsibilities,  5. Safety Concerns: For banks dealing with sensitive
             leading to burnout.                                 financial information, stress can lead to increased
                                                                 negligence and security risks.
         2. Target Fixation: Sales  pressure  and  performance
             metrics create a high-pressure environment. The
             constant push to achieve ambitious targets can be  Strategies  and  Initiatives  to  build
             emotionally draining and stressful.              foundation for Well-being
         3. Work-Life Imbalance: Long working hours fueled by a  Having explored the alarming prevalence and causes of
             culture of presenteeism (physically present but mentally  stress  in  Banks,  let  us delve into  the  strategies and
             absent) leave little time for personal life. This imbalance  initiatives that banks can implement to foster a culture of
             disrupts sleep patterns, strains relationships, and hinders  well-being and create a more resilient workforce.
             overall well-being.                              I. From Stress Management to Promoting
         4. Role  Ambiguity:  Ambiguous  roles  and  unclear Well-being
             expectations can be a major source of stress. Employees  Traditionally,  organizations  have focused  on  "stress
             might feel unsure of their responsibilities, leading to  management" after stress has already taken hold. However,
             confusion, frustration, and a lack of control over their  a more proactive approach is necessary. By prioritizing well-
             workload.                                        being promotion, banks can create a work environment that
         5. Technological Flux:  While technology streamlines
             processes, the pressure to adapt and keep pace with
             constant change can be overwhelming. Employees
             struggle to learn new skills and use the technology to
             their advantage.

         The Domino Effects of Unmanaged Stress
         The consequences of unmanaged stress extend far beyond
         the individual employee. They can cripple the growth of the
         banks apart from affecting the employees themselves. Let's
         explore few of the impacting consequences of stress when
         it is not addressed adequately.
         1. Decreased Productivity: Stressed employees are more

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