Page 38 - Banking Finance June 2024
P. 38




          - A STRONG WHEEL



           economic development is widely recognized. India is one E  ntrepreneurs  play  an  important  role  in  any
                     Abstract of the article
                                                                     economy. Entrepreneurship ensures inclusive
           The  importance  of  women  entrepreneurship  for
                                                                     growth through wealth creation, employment
                                                                     generation  and  human  development.  A  key
           of the fastest growing economies and the importance  element of economic growth over the past decade has been
           of women entrepreneurship is felt at every level.  the growing role of women entrepreneurs. The increasing
           Women entrepreneurship plays an important role in  presence of women as entrepreneurs has led to social and
           creating  jobs,  wealth, poverty  reduction,  human  economic development in the country and in the world.
           development,  education,  health  and  national    Women-owned business enterprises are playing a major role
           development, especially in developing countries like us.  in  economic  development  &  growth  by  creating
                                                              employment  opportunities  in  the  country,  driving
           The  objective  of  this  article  is  to  recognize  the  demographic change and inspiring the next generation of
           contribution of Women entrepreneur in writing India's  women founders.
           growth story.
                                                              Women entrepreneurship plays an important role in creating
                                                              jobs, wealth, poverty reduction, human development,
                               About the author               education, health and national development, especially in
                                                              developing countries like us. Women actively participate in
                       Akhilesh Shukla                        the workforce by contributing to economic growth through
                       Chief Manager                          entrepreneurship, employment and innovation. Women
                       Union Bank of India, Centre of Excellence
                                                              entrepreneurship has a significant impact on the world's
                       (Sales & Marketing), Bhopal
                                                              economies. Women's participation in entrepreneurial
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