Page 36 - Banking Finance June 2024
P. 36


          Indian banks is a continuous journey. Banks need to embrace  Conclusion
          changes across its hierarchies and adopt technological
                                                              The issue of stress in Indian Banks is a complex one, but it's a
          advancements with larger emphasis on employees' well-
                                                              challenge that can be overcome. By prioritizing employee well-
          being. Few of the initiatives which banks shall adopt are  being, implementing comprehensive solutions, and fostering a
          discussed here.                                     culture of shared responsibility, banks can create a more
          1. Data-Driven Decision Making: Regular employee    productive, engaged, and resilient workforce. A well-balanced
             surveys shall be conducted and engagement metrics  and healthy work environment empowers employees to thrive,
             shall be drawn to identify areas for improvement.  fosters innovation, and ultimately leads to a successful and
             Analyzing these data will help to refine well-being  sustainable banking sector. The framework discussed shall be
             initiatives.                                     a starting point to navigate stress at workplace and to create
                                                              a more well-being-focused work environment.
          2. Innovation  and  Continuous  Improvement:  New
             approaches and best practices in promoting well-being
             shall be explored constantly. It will help to adapt and  References
             refine existing programs based on evolving needs and  1.  Dr. Sanjukta Mishra, (2023), A Study on Stress among
                                                                 Employees in Banking Industry
             employee feedback.
                                                              2.  MoneyControl, (March 11,2023), Mounting pressure: To
          3. Investing in Leadership Development: Leadership     meet targets, some PSBs call employees to work on
             training shall be provided on building well-being-focused  holidays, weekends
             teams, managing stress, and fostering a culture of open  3.  S.  Ganesh  Kumar & N.  Deivanai  Sundaram,  (2022),
             communication.                                      Prevalence of stress level among Bank employees in
                                                                 urban Puducherry, India
          4. Celebrating Success Stories: Positive examples of
                                                              4.  Fazlul Karim, (2017), Work Stress among Employees of
             employees who successfully manage stress and maintain  State Bank of India: A Study of Karimganj District, Assam
             work-life  balance  can  be  shared  across  the  5.  Dr. Sunita Bishnoi & Dr. Gurjeet Kaur, (2017), Workplace
             communication channels. This can motivate others and  Stressors in Private Sector Banks: A Study of Women
             reinforce the importance of well-being.             Executives.

             Equity MF inflows fall 16% in April; small cap and debt schemes
                                                 back in demand

           The inflows in equity mutual funds dropped by approximately 16% in April, shows data released by Amfi. The inflows
           in April stood at Rs 18,917.09 crore as against Rs 22,633.15 crore in March. In a new feat, the monthly SIP data has
           crossed the Rs 20,000 crore mark for the first time and reached Rs 20,371 crore, according to ET Now. The SIP
           contribution in March was recorded at Rs 19,271 crore.
           The small cap funds again managed to receive inflows after an outflow of Rs 94.17 crore last month. Among the
           equity categories, all except for ELSS and focused funds saw inflows in April. The sectoral/thematic funds have con-
           tinued to receive highest inflows for months. In April, this category garnered inflows of Rs 5,166.05 crore as against
           Rs 7,917.72 crore in March. The multicap funds stood second on the inflow chart and received Rs 2,723.87 crore
           funds. Large & mid cap funds received inflows of Rs 2,638.91 crore. Focused fund and ELSS funds witnessed an out-
           flow of Rs 328.04 crore and Rs 144.04 crore, respectively in April.
                                NBFCs asked to strengthen governance
           The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) deputy governor Swaminathan J. on May 15 urged non-banking finance companies
           (NBFCs) to maintain constant vigil against potential risks and vulnerabilities in the financial system and boost gover-
           nance functions. “NBFCs to bolster governance and assurance functions and maintain constant vigil against potential
           risks and vulnerabilities,” Swaminathan told NBFCs during the conference organised by the RBI on May 15. The RBI
           on May 15 conducted a conference in Mumbai for the Heads of Assurance Functions (i.e., Chief Compliance Officers,
           Chief Risk Officers and Heads of Internal Audit) of select NBFCs.

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