Page 35 - Banking Finance June 2024
P. 35


         1. Millennials: This generation prioritizes work-life balance  Promoting Open Communication: Leaders should
             and career development. Flexible work arrangements,  actively encourage open communication and feedback
             mentorship programs, and opportunities for professional  from employees. This allows them to identify stress
             growth are  most  sought  after  by this employee   triggers and develop solutions collaboratively.
             segment.                                            Leading by Example: Leaders can participate in well-
         2. Mid-career Professionals: This group often juggles work  being initiatives like meditation workshops or stress-
             with family responsibilities. Tie-ups with childcare  management  programs.  This  demonstrates their
             facilities, flexible working hours, and stress management  commitment to employee well-being and encourages
             workshops targeted at managing work-life conflict can  participation.
             be considered to address the needs of this segment of  Empowering Employees: Leaders should empower
                                                                 employees by providing them with the autonomy and
         3. Senior Management: Senior leaders can be susceptible  resources they need to complete their tasks effectively.
             to stress from performance pressure and long hours.  This reduces stress associated with lack of control.
             Providing leadership training on promoting well-being  Building Trust: A culture of trust is essential for well-
             within their teams, offering executive coaching, and
                                                                 being  initiatives  to  succeed.  Leaders  must  be
             encouraging them to lead by example by taking breaks  transparent and accountable, fostering an environment
             and maintaining a healthy work-life balance can make  where employees feel comfortable in seeking support
             a huge difference to them as well as their teams.
                                                                 when needed.
         IV. The Power of Leadership: Championing Well-       V. Individual Responsibility: Taking Ownership
         being                                                of Well-being
         Leaders play a pivotal role in fostering a well-being-focused  While leadership plays a vital role, employees also share the
         work environment. Here's how leadership can champion this
                                                              responsibility for their well-being. Here are ways where in
         cause:                                               employees can contribute to their stress management.
             Setting  the  Tone:  Leaders  set  the  tone  for  the  Identifying Stressors: The first step is to identify
             organization. By prioritizing well-being themselves and
                                                                 personal stressors. Employees can keep a stress journal
             taking breaks, they encourage employees to do the   to track situations and emotions that trigger stress.
             same. This can dismantle the culture of presenteeism
                                                                 Utilizing Well-being Programs: Employees need to
             and  create  a  more  relaxed  and  healthy  work
             environment.                                        actively participate in workshops, counseling services,
                                                                 and other well-being programs offered by the bank.
                                                                 Setting Boundaries: Learning to set healthy boundaries
                                                                 between work and personal life is crucial. This might
                                                                 include techniques like switching off work email
                                                                 notifications outside of work hours or politely declining
                                                                 additional workload when reaching capacity.
                                                                 Time  Management:  Developing  effective  time
                                                                 management skills can help employees meet deadlines
                                                                 efficiently and reduce stress associated with feeling

                                                              VI. Building a Sustainable Future: Collaboration
                                                              and Continuous Improvement
                                                              Creating a truly well-being-focused work environment in

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