Page 34 - Banking Finance June 2024
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                                                                     2023 with the objective of providing avenues to its
                                                                     employees to get help and support for physical and
                                                                     mental wellness as and when required by them.

                                                              3. Promoting Work-Life Balance:
                                                                     Flexible Work Arrangements: Banks can look
                                                                     forward to offer flexible work options like remote
                                                                     work schedules in possible roles which will allow
                                                                     employees to manage their personal lives and
                                                                     responsibilities more effectively.
                                                                     Time Management Workshops: More number of
                                                                     workshops on time management techniques can be
          fosters mental and physical health right from the start. This  organized to help employees prioritize tasks,
          holistic approach involves:
                                                                     delegate effectively, and set realistic goals.
          1. Creating a Supportive Work Environment:
                                                                     Discourage Presenteeism: There is a need to
                 Open Communication: Banks can encourage open
                                                                     cultivate  a  culture  that  values  results  over
                 dialogue  and  feedback  sessions.  This allows
                 employees  to  express  concerns  and  work         presenteeism. Employees shall be encouraged to
                                                                     take breaks, use vacation time, and maintain a
                 collaboratively with supervisors to find solutions.
                                                                     healthy work-life balance.
                 Team Building Activities: Team-building activities
                 and social events to cultivate a sense of community  II. Industry  Collaboration  and  Regulatory
                 and belonging can be organized. This fosters
                 stronger relationships and support networks among
                 colleagues.                                  Individual banks can make significant strides in promoting
                                                              well-being, but industry-wide collaboration and regulatory
                 Recognition  and  Rewards:  A  culture  that  support are crucial for long-term success. Banks with
                 appreciates  hard  work  and  celebrates
                                                              exemplary track record in employee happiness and various
                 achievements can be encouraged. This will boost
                                                              association related to banks can encourage collaboration
                 morale and motivate employees to perform better  between  banks  to  share  best  practices  in  stress
                 by overcoming the stress.
                                                              management and well-being initiatives. This cross-pooling
                                                              of ideas can lead to more effective solutions on a broader
          2. Investing in Employee Well-being Programs:
                 Stress Management Workshops: Banks can offer
                 workshops  on  various  stress  management   As a regulator, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) can also play a
                 techniques like yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and  critical role by encouraging stress management practices in
                 healthy coping mechanisms. These workshops equip  its regulatory framework. This can include guidelines for
                 employees with tools to manage stress effectively  promoting employee well-being and mandating minimum
                 on their own.                                standards for work-life balance.

                 Employee  Assistance  Programs  (EAPs):
                 Comprehensive EAPs can be arranged by the banks  III. Addressing the Needs of Every Employee
                 that provide confidential counseling and support  A one-size-fits-all approach to well-being won't be effective
                 services to employees dealing with stress, personal  due to the broad range of employees working at present in
                 problems, or mental health issues. One such  Indian banks. Banks need to tailor their initiatives to address
                 initiative undertaken in recent times was Union  the specific needs of different employee segments. A broad
                 SWAR (Supporting Wellness And Resilience). It is  segmentation of the employees alongside their specific
                 launched by Union Bank of India during November  needs are discussed as follows.

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