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THE  T A R JU ilA X   AL-ASHWAQ  ( v )    59

           4.  Sighs  have  risen  aloft  and  tears  are  pouring  over  niy
           5.  The  camels,  footsore  from  tlic  journey,  long  for  their
                  homes  and  utter  the  plaintive  cry  of  the  fi’enzied
           ().  After they  have  gone,  my  life  is  naught but annihilation.
                  Farewell  to  it  and  to  patience !

                                  C o m m e n t a r y
             1.  ‘ The  Upland,’  referring to  God on  His throne.
          -  2.  ‘ They are two contraries,’ etc. :  he  says,  ‘ Inasmuch  as
           the spiritual  element  in  man  is  always  governing  the body,
           it  can  never  contemplate  that  which  is  uncomposed  apart
           from  its  body  and  independently,  as  some  Sufis  and
           philosophers  and  ignoi-ant  persons  declare.’   Hence  the
           wi’iter  says,  ‘ iny  disunion  will  never  be  repaii’ed,’  i.e.,
           ‘ I cannot become united  with  Him  who  is  pure  and  simple,
           and  who  resembles  my  essence  and  reality.  Therefore
           longing is folly,  for  this  station  is  unattainable, but longing
           is a necessary atti-ibute  of  love,  and  accordingly  I  cease  not
           fi'om longing.’
             3.  ' My censor,’  he.  the  blaming  soul
             5.   ‘ The  camels,’  i.e.  the  actions  or  the  lofty  thoughts
                 —-since,  in  my  opinion,  such  thoughts  belong  to  the
           class  of  actions— on  which  the  good  words
             i.e.  for the Divine  Names  from  which  they proceeded  and by
           mount to the throne of God.  They  ‘ long  for  their  homes ’,

           which  they are controlled.
             G.  ‘ My  life  is  naught  but  annihilation’ :  he  says, ‘ AVhen
           the lofty  thoughts ascend to  their goal I remain  in  the  state
           of  pas.sing  away  from  passing  away  (*Lill  ^   ‘ Lil’),  for
           I  have  gained  the  life  imperishable  which  is  not  followed
           by any  opposite.’  Accordingly,  he  bids  farewell  to  patience
           and  to  the  mortal  life,  because  he  has  (juitted  the  sensible
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