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64            THE  TARJCMAN  AL-ASHWAQ  (IX)
                  perfume, and a ringdove flapped  her wings and a twig
                  put forth  leaves.
           4.  They pitched the red tents between rivulets (creeping) like
                  serpents, amongst which  were seated
           5.  Friendly  damsels,  bright  of  countenance,  rising  like  the
                  .suns, large-eyed, noble,  of generous race, and limber.

              1.  ‘Al-Abraqan,’ i.e.  two manifestations of the Essence, one
           in  the  unseen and  one in  the  visijble  Avorld.
             ‘ Flashes of  lightning,’ referring to  the  variety of  forms in
           the latter manifestation.
             ‘ Peals  of  thunder,’  i.e.  the  Divine  converse
           Avhich followed  the  manifestation.  This  is  a  Mosaic ecstasy
                         for  Moses  first  saw  the  fire  and  afterwards
           heard God  speak.  The  mention of thunder also signifies tliat
           God’s speech  was a rebuke.
             2.  ‘ Their  clouds,’  i.e.  the  ecstasies  (J h ^ ')  Avhich  bring
           forth the  Divine sciences.
             ‘ On  every  meadow,’  i.e.  the  heart  of  man  together  with
           the Divine  sciences  wliich it holds.
             ‘ On  every  quivering  branch,’  i.e.  the  straight  movement
                            Avliich  is  the  growth  of  man    i'LAi),
           as God  .says that He created Adam after His own image ;  and
           from  this station  it  ‘ bends’, i.e.  inclines  towards  thee  that it
           may instruct thee.
             3.  He  says,  ‘ The  valleys  of  the  Divine  sciences  were
             sweet scents of the Divine sciences.’
           flooded,  and  the  Avorld  of  breaths
                                                      |Jb) diffused  the

             ‘ A  ringdove,’  i.e.  the  Universal  Soul  together  with  the
           effect  it  produces  upon  tlie  Partial  Soul,  Avhich  appears  in
           the  form  of  the  Universal  in  so  far  as  it  possesses  the  two
           faculties of knowledge and action.
             ‘ A  twig,’  i.e.  that  with  which  the  branches  are  clothed.
           He refers to the  verse ‘ Take  your  becoming  vesture at every
           mosque ’  (Kor.  vii,  29),  i.e.  the  everlasting  vesture  of  God,
           which consists in the various kinds of Divine science and gnosis.
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