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P. 77
4. ‘ The red tents,’ i.e. the bride-like forms of Divine
‘ Riviilet.s,’ i.e. diverse sciences connected with the works
whicli le^d to imion with these forms of Divine wdsdom.
‘Like serpents’ : cf. Ivor, xxiv, 44, "And amongst them is one
v'ho walks on his belly.’ He refers to those devout persons
who scrupulously examine their food, for by means of pure
food which produces strength for the pi-actice of devotion
the heart is illuminated and becomes the abode of these forms
of Divine wisdom.
5. ‘ Bright of countenance, etc., i.e. there is no doubt
concerning them, as the Prophet said, ‘ Ye shall see your
Loi’d as ye see the sun at noonday when no cloud comes
‘ Noble,’ i.e. proceeding from the results of woi'ks prescribed
by God, unlike the maxims of the philosophers which spring
from their own minds.
‘ Of generous race’ : is derived from Ju£. He means,
therefore^ that they understand what is imparted to them and
perceive its value.
‘ Limber ’ : although per se they are in the station of
equilibrium and inflexibility, yet when they are invoked
with longing and humility and love they incline towards the
caller’, because he is not able to ascend to them.
1. She said, ‘ I wonder at a lover who in conceit of his merits
walks proudly among flowers in a garden.’
2. 1 replied, ‘ Do not rvonder at what thou seest, for thou
hast beheld thyself in the mirror of a man.’
C o m m e n t a r y
1. ‘ Flowers,’ i.e. created things.
‘ A garden,’ the unitive station i.e. his essence.
‘Utba al-Ghulam used to walk proudly and swagger in his
gait. ‘ How should not I do so,’ he said to one who found
fault with him, ‘ since He has become my Lord and I have