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THE  T A R jr.M A N   AL-ASHWAQ  ( V l l l ,   I X )  63

           1.  Tlioir  abodes  have  become  decayed,  but  desire  of  them  is
                  ever new in my  heart and docayeth not.
           2.  These,tears are shed over their ruined  dwellings,  but souls
                  ai-e ever melted at the memory  of them.
           3.  Through  love  of  them  I  called  oiit  behind  their  riding-
                  camels,  ‘ O  ye  who  are  rich  in  beauty,  here  am  I,
                  a  beggar!
           4.  I have  rolled my cheek in the dust in tender and passionate
                  aftection:  then, by  tltb  true  love  which  I  owe  to  you,
                  do not make hopeless
           5.  One  who is drowned  in  his  tears and  burned in  the fire of
                  sorrow  with no respite ! ’
           6.  O thou  who wouldst  kindle  a  lire, be not  hasty !  Here  is
                  the fire of passion.  Go and take of it !

             1.    ‘ Their  abodes  have  become  decayed ’ :  he  says,  ‘ the
           places  of  austerities  and  mortifications,  where  the  Divine
           Names made works (jU jil) their abode, have become decayed
           thi’ough  age  and  loss  of  youthful  strength.’  The  word  c
           is used in reference to the springtide     of human life.
             3.  ‘ Behind  their  riding-camels,’  i.e.  the  powers  of  youth
           and the delights of the commencement (AjijkJl).
              4.  ‘ I  have  rolled  my  cheek  in  the  dust,’  i.e.  desiring
           to  be  united  with  you,  for  God  says,  ‘ Seek  access  to  Me
           by  means  of  that  which  I  have  not,’  viz.  abasement  and

              G.  ‘ Here is the fire of passion,’  i.e.  in my heart.

            1.  Flashes  of  lightning  gleamed- to  us  at  al-Abraqan,  and
                  their peals of thunder crashed betAvecn  the ribs.
            2.  Their  clouds  poured  rain  on  every meadow  and  on  every
                   quivering  branch that  bends towards thee.
            3.  The  watercourses  were  flooded  and  the  breeze  wafted
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