Page 11 - StoryArc - Company Credentials
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Lir Chocolates originally founded in Ireland in 1987, is now owned by the German-based Zertus
Food Group, and manufactures premium chocolate ranges for leading retailers across the UK
and Ireland, including Marks & Spencer and Tesco, as well as the Baileys Chocolate and
Guinness Chocolate ranges for Diageo.
In 2017, as the brand celebrated its 30th anniversary, we were asked to develop a
communications campaign to relaunch the Lir brand in the Irish market and subsequently launch
the brand’s online store and home-delivery service.
We created the pop up ‘Lir Chocolates The successful relaunch of the brand was
Workshop’ in an event space in Dublin’s followed by the launch of the Lir
City Centre, to enable customers to Chocolates online shop, which required
sample the chocolates and see the Master considerable communications support to
Chocolatiers at work tackle consumer hesitation around the
fragility/ suitability of chocolate for home
Partnered with leading Dublin radio delivery
station, Q102 to run a cross station promo
to support the week-long pop up shop, Key media were invited to attend a
with the Blue Crew also distributing ‘Celebration of Chocolate’ at One Pico
chocolates to offices/ listeners etc. restaurant in Dublin, where the chef
celebrated the flavours of the Lir Discovery
Distributed Lir Chocolates hampers to key Collection throughout the meal
lifestyle and food media to create
awareness of the Workshop, along with Media were also gifted loyalty cards for the
striking imagery and press release in online store and encouraged to gift family
advance of the pop up launch and friends directly
Partnered with RTE TV’s Late Late Show for
Hosted an evening media event in the pop its iconic ‘one for everyone in the audience’
up space to officially mark the 30th giveaway of a luxury Lir Chocolates
Birthday, attended by key media and trade hamper to celebrate the launch of the
partners online store