Page 14 - StoryArc - Company Credentials
P. 14

In 2021, Lollipop Day, the iconic fundraiser from the OCF was celebrating its 20th anniversary.  Due
                 to Covid 19 the fundraiser unfortunately could not take place in its usual on-street format so all
                 efforts had to pivot to online activity to support Lollipop Month throughout April instead of Lollipop

                 A PR proposal was required to support the OCF’s wider marketing platform and to leverage the
                 support of media and influencers in communicating the key messages to the wider public and key

                 We  identified  leading  Irish  influencer         Staged two impactful photocalls generating
                 Rachel  Gorry  (250k  influencers  on              striking  imagery  with  OC  survivors  to
                 Instagram)  who  sadly  lost  her  husband         maximise the media traction
                 aged  29  to  oesophageal  cancer  (OC)  in
                 2020,  as  a  key  asset  for  awareness           Initiated  and  activated  a  partnership  with
                 building  and  fundraising  through  social        national  juice  bar  brand,  Jump  Juice  to
                 media                                              support  Lollipop  Month,  including  a
                                                                    dedicated  smoothie  throughout  Lollipop
                 We enlisted the support of golfer Padraig          Month with profits going to OCF.
                 Harrington,  who  lost  his  father  to  OC,
                 recognising his particular appeal to media         A  media  gift/  hamper  of  Jump  Juice
                 in  2021  as  the  captain  of  the  European      Smoothies and Lollipop Day paraphernalia
                 team at the Ryder Cup                              was delivered to key media and influencers
                                                                    to kick start Lollipop Month
                 Undertook  a  deep  dive  into  the  OC
                 community  to  identify  suitable  real-life
                 case studies to drive broadcast, online and
                 print  media  at  a  national  level  and  also
                 through  the  hugely  influential  regional
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