Page 40 - PPP - Area 4
P. 40

Section 2.Every student officially enrolled in the tertiary department of the university automatically
               becomes a member of the CSSG.

                                                          Article V

                             Powers and Duties of the Campus Student Supreme Government

               Section 1.The Campus Supreme Student Government shall be the highest governing body in the
               entire studentry.

               Section 2.The CSSG shall have the following functions and responsibilities:

                   a.  Formulate programs that will address relevant issues / concerns of the studentry.

                   b.  Plan and implement policies and programs designed to promote and protect the studentry.

                   c.  Monitor and evaluate the student’s activities in the school.

                   d.  Create committees for the studentry if deems necessary.

                   e.  Make recommendations to school authorities regarding student matters, affairs and activities.

                   f.  Serve as representative of the studentry in voicing their opinions, suggestion and observations.

                   g.  Act as coordinating council of all campus co-curricular activities.

                   h.  Have such other duties and powers consistent with its started principles, objectives and school
                       policies. Separated drug-abuse and youth smoking prevention program in the school.

                   i.  Monitor and supervise the election of the Campus Student Supreme Government officers for
                       the succeeding school year, and

                   j.  Turnover papers, documents, properties  and other responsibilities to the incoming CSSG

                                                         Article VI

                                          Duties and Obligations of the Students
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