Page 44 - PPP - Area 4
P. 44
Sub-Chapter and Institute Officers
Section 1.There shall be sub-chapter officers in every class, also called the Homeroom officers,
composed of the officers parallel to the organizational structure of the CSSG.
Section 2.The sub-chapter officers shall be responsible in complementing all the CSSG rules.
Section 3.There shall be College / Department organizations composed of the college / department
officers parallel to the organizational structure of the CSSG.
Section 4.The sub-chapter and college / department organizations officers assist the CSSG in
implementing its programs and projects.
Article XI
Standing Committees
Section 1.There shall be nine (9) standing committees in the CSSG namely: the Executive Committee,
Internal Affairs Committee, Secretariat Committee, Finance Committee, Publicity Committee,
Student Welfare Committee, Income-Generating Project Committee, Anti-Drug and Youth-Smoking
Prevention Committee and the Betel Nut-Chewing Prevention and Anti-Gambling Committee.
Committee members shall be appointed by the President from among the officers of the homeroom
organizations upon the recommendation of the chairperson of the committee / s.
Section 2.The executive Committee shall be headed by the President and shall act as the
Administrative Arm of the CSSG.
Section 3.The Internal Affairs Committee shall be headed by the Vice President and shall take charge
of all matters regarding the members of the CSSG and their functions.
Section 4.The secretariat Committee shall be headed by the Secretary and shall be the official work
group of the CSSG.
Section 5.The Finance Committee shall be headed by the Treasurer and shall be assisted by the
Auditor. This committee shall take charge of all monetary matters and properties of the CSSG.
Section 6.The Publicity, student welfare, income-generating project committees shall headed by the
representative in disseminating information concerning the whole studentry, look after the student
and act upon their complains.