Page 42 - PPP - Area 4
P. 42

Article IX

                                         Duties and Responsibilities of the officers

               Section 1.The President shall be the chief executive officer of the CSSG. He / she shall have the
               following duties:

                   a.  Preside over all meetings and or may designate another officer to preside for a specific meeting.
                   b.  Enforce this constitution and By-Laws and other regulations that maybe promulgated.
                   c.  Sign all official minutes, resolutions, correspondences, and other official papers of the CSSG.
                   d.  Represent the CSSG or designate his / her representative for any external and internal affairs
                       / functions.
                   e.  Head the coordinating council of campus co-curricular organizations.
                   f.  Implement CSSG programs and projects.
                   g.  Head the executive Committee.
                   h.  Create  committees  as  the  need  arises  and  appoint  the  chairperson  to  the  respective
                   i.  Perform such other functions inherent and incidental to his / her office.

               Section 2.The Vice President shall have the following duties:

                   a.  Assist the president in all matters where his / her assistance is necessary.
                   b.  Assume the Office of the president should the position becomes vacant.
                   c.  Supervise members in planning and arranging meetings or programs of activities.
                   d.  Chair the internal Affairs Committee, appoint members, conceptualize programs and projects
                       and plan activities.
                   e.  Perform such other duties assigned by the CSSG President.

               Section 3.The secretary shall have the following duties:

                   a.  Keep accurate records of the minutes and documents proceeding.
                   b.  Keep a file of all pertinent and documents of the CSSG and make them accessible to the
                   c.  Call and prepare all notices of CSSG meetings.
                   d.  Head the Secretariat Committee.
                   e.  Perform such other duties assigned by the CSSG President.

               Section 4.The Treasurer shall have the following duties:

                   a.  Keep all financial records of the CSSG.
                   b.  Serve as the disbursing officer of all the CSSG funds.
                   c.  Prepare the annual budget of the CSSG.
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