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P. 178

7 - Profiling³ in Leadership: Motivating Employees and Teams to Perform at Their Best

               perspectives.  This  ensures  that  fewer  mistakes  and  errors
               occur. In addition, problems are solved by balanced teams in
               a "four-way" manner:

                1.  Intuition:  ideas  are  gathered  to  develop  solutions  to  the
                2.  Perception: facts are gathered and details of the problem
                    are considered.
                3.  Thinking: The problem is analyzed objectively to consider
                    the cause and effect of each possible solution.
                4.  Feeling:  Thinking  about  how  possible  solutions  to  the
                    problem will affect the people involved.

                 In a final exercise, you will now use Profiling³ to optimize the composition of
                 your team.

                  • What criteria have you used to put together your sales team so far?
                  • Review which guys are on your current team.
                  • What needs to be changed?
                  • To what extent does Profiling³ help you with this?
                  • What   personnel   development   measures   (new   hires,
                    reorganizations, further training) do you need to take in order to
                    achieve  a  balanced  team  with  as  many  top  performers  as

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