Page 60 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 60
3 - Profiling²: "What makes others tick?" - On the advantages of knowing people
Roth, on the other hand, is more cautious and emphasizes
that a personality "cannot be changed overnight (...) because
the development of a person's personality (...) is already
largely determined at a young age. Roth concludes, however,
that changes are possible within a certain framework, namely
by "not starting at the basic structure of the personality, but at
the behavior." (Bußmann 2019, p. 58)
The following profiling² tips should be understood in this
sense. They are also based on findings from social psychology.
With them, you can succeed in bringing about or at least
initiating behavioral changes on the part of your interlocutors.
You should always adapt them to the person with whom you
are interacting and to the specific situation, and try to learn them
step by step. This much can already be revealed: Oliver
Vogelhuber has developed the training and exercise tool
"Vogelhuber's Profiling Machine" for this purpose - you can
use the tool to perfect your knowledge of human nature. You
will learn more about this in the fourth chapter.
Profiling² Tip 1: Make an advance payment
People tend to behave automatically. This is referred to as the
compliance process. There are culturally influenced guidelines as
to when it is appropriate or advantageous to comply with a
request or demand, i.e. to be "compliant". However, people can
also be manipulated with this knowledge. According to findings
from sociology and anthropology, one of the very widespread
norms of human culture is the reciprocity rule, which states that a
large proportion of people