Page 25 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 25

Duration: Year Long              program is to further develop the   skills of the bench technician,
               Course                           basic knowledge and skills of a   diagnostic protocol and treatment
                                                Sports Medicine And Therapeutic   modalities applied to infectious
                                                Services Level 2 that in turn will   diseases, DNA technology, as well
               This course in the life sciences is   improve their ability to contribute to   as practices associated with food
               designed to conform to the       safer sporting events and        science and epidemiology.
               standards of the Advanced        organizations.  It is anticipated that
               Placement Program.  The course   the experience gained since
               includes a thorough treatment of   completion of Level 1 course will   Students will be assigned projects
               biochemistry, cytology, biological   provide course participants with   to be completed for course credit.
               diversity, organismal biology, and   sufficient insight to assimilate this   Examples wood be Principals
                                                                                 Awards and Sports Awards.
               population ecology.  The         higher level of knowledge into their
               curriculum is designed to prepare   role as an athletic trainer.  As a
               the student for a rigorous exam   consequence of completing the   INFECTIOUS DISEASES
               which may result in the awarding of   required course units it is expected
               college credit.                  the Sports Medicine and          Grades: 11-12
                                                Therapeutic Services Level 2 will
               Notes: Dissection may be a part of   be able to apply appropriate first   Duration: Year Long
               this course.  Students may select   aid and emergency care of athletes
               an alternative assignment in lieu of   at a more advanced standard than   Course
               actual dissection of an organism.   a Sports Medicine and Therapeutic
                                                Services 1A/1B.                  Infectious Disease and Related
               AP CHEMISTRY                                                      Principles of Biotechnology is
                                                Manufacturing 2                  STEM science elective course for
                                                                                 students in the Biomedical
               Grades: 10-12                                                     pathway. This rigorous course will
                                                Grades: 11-12                    draw on multiple disciplines such
               Duration: Year Long                                               as biology, chemistry, anatomy,
               Course                           Duration: Year Long              physiology, pharmacology, clinical
                                                Course                           medicine and focused technology
                                                                                 to expose students to the array of
               This course is designed to meet all                               intricacies that define
               of the requirements of the       An Advanced problem solving      microbiological pathologies,
               Advanced Placement Program.      Design course that will give     established findings engineered to
               The course will cover atomic     students a chance to apply       address previous healthcare
               structure and the interactions of   techniques learned in the Design   complexities and current medical
               combining atoms.  Also covered   and Manufacturing 1A / 1B class.   dilemmas in need of
               will be the areas of stoichiometry,   Advanced skills in CNC      biotechnological solutions. Topics
               equation balancing, problem      programming on the Lathe and Mill   include: organismal basics,
               solving, the states of matter,   will challenge students to problem   fundamental skills of a bench
               oxidation-reduction reactions,   solve and create projects on their   technician, careers in biotech,
               periodicity of the elements,     own. StuInfectious Disease and   clinical aspects of disease that are
               bonding, basic organic chemistry,   Related Principles of Biotechnology   either bacterial, viral, fungal or
               and environmental chemistry and   is STEM science elective course   parasitic in nature. Additionally,
               its impact on the ecology.  The   for students in the Biomedical   laboratory activities will involve
               curriculum is designed to prepare   pathway. This rigorous course will   concepts central to foundational job
               the student for a rigorous exam   draw on multiple disciplines such   skills of the bench technician,
               which may result in the awarding of   as biology, chemistry, anatomy,   diagnostic protocol and treatment
               college credit.                  physiology, pharmacology, clinical   modalities applied to infectious
                                                medicine and focused technology   diseases, DNA technology, as well
               12TH GRADE STEM                  to expose students to the array of   as practices associated with food
                                                intricacies that define          science and epidemiology.
               TRACK                            microbiological pathologies,
                                                established findings engineered to
               SPORTS AND                       address previous healthcare
               EMERGENCY MED 2                  complexities and current medical
                                                dilemmas in need of
                                                biotechnological solutions. Topics
               Grades: 11-12                    include: organismal basics,
                                                fundamental skills of a bench
               Duration: Year Long              technician, careers in biotech,
               Course                           clinical aspects of disease that are
                                                either bacterial, viral, fungal or
                                                parasitic in nature. Additionally,
               The aim of the Sports Medicine   laboratory activities will involve
               and Therapeutic Services level 2   concepts central to foundational job
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