Page 22 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 22

Grades: 10, 11, 12               Duration: Year Long Course       guage arts and mathematics. Stu-
               Prerequisite: Application/In-    Credit: 10 Units                 dents learn high school success
               structor approval                                                 and college preparatory skills such
               Duration: Year Long Course       Advanced Placement Computer      as note taking, time management,
               Credit: 10 Units                 Science Principles is a yearlong   and organization. One semester
                                                course that is designed to be an   will focus on the graduation re-
                                                                                 quired Health Course.
               The focus of this course is the de-  equivalent to a first semester col-
               velop- ment of student leadership   lege computing course. Consisting
               skills through practical experiences   of 5 units, approximately 6 weeks   Advancement Via Individual
               that include communication, ser-  each, the course is based on the   Determination (AVID 10)
               vice learning, government, per-  Computational Thinking Prac-     Prerequisite: Instructor ap-
               sonal and social development and   tices(CTP) Framework( Connecting   proval and enrollment in Uni-
               business skills. Through teamwork   Computing, Creating Computa-  versity of California A-G
               students set goals, coordinate   tional Artifacts, Abstracting, Analyz-  course sequence
               committees, and create and imple-  ing Problems and Artifacts, Com-  Grade: 10
               ment programs to recognize stu-  municating and Collaborating).   Duration: Year Long Course
               dent achievement. The Renais-    Topics in this course include but   Credit: 10 Units
               sance Leadership program is de-  are not limited to binary conver-
               signed to promote and encourage   sion, numbering systems, binary
               academic excellence and leader-  encoding, internetworking, algorith-  This course is an A-G course. Stu-
               ship, unity amongst students and   mic thinking, cybersecurity, privacy   dents are tutored in all academic
               faculty, school spirit, and exem-  and crime, abstraction, String pro-  areas by college students both indi-
               plary models of citizenship. Renais-  cessing, loops, arrays, and big data   vidually and in small groups. AVID
               sance students will be positive role   structures. At the conclusion of this   teaching methods and materials
               models and display the expecta-  course, students will create a per-  are used with particular emphasis
               tions of all high school students. As   formance task, and explore a per-  given to English-language arts and
               mentors, leaders, and motivators   formance task in preparation for   mathematics. Students are helped
               they will guide students on campus   submission to the college board.   to see themselves as potential col-
               on what it takes to be successful                                 lege students by taking part in ex-
               throughout their academic career.   WORK EXPERIENCE               tensive college and career re-
                                                Grades: 11, 12                   search as they prepare to choose
               AP COMPUTER SCIENCE A            Prerequisite: Paid Legal job     their university and major.
               Grades: 11, 12                   and instructor approval
               Duration: Year Long Course       Duration: Semester OR Year       Advancement Via Individual
               Credit: 10 Units                 Long Course                      Determination (AVID 11)
                                                Credit: 5-10 Units               Prerequisite: Instructor ap-
               Computer Science Advanced                                         proval and enrollment in Uni-
               Placement/AB places major em-    This course combines supervised,   versity of California A-G
               phasis on programming methodol-  paid employment in selected occu-  course sequence
               ogy, algorithms, and data struc-  pational fields with related class-  Grade: 11
               tures.  Applications of computing   room instruc- tion in employability   Duration: Year Long Course
               provide the context in which these   skills. Each student creates an indi-  Credit: 10 Units
               subjects are treated; applications   vidual career portfolio.
               are used to develop student aware-
               ness of the need for particular algo-  Advancement Via Individual   This course is an A-G course in
               rithms and data structures, as well   Determination (AVID 9)/AVID   which students are tutored in all ac-
               as to provide topics for program-  HEALTH                         ademic areas by college students
               ming assignments to which stu-   Prerequisite: Instructor ap-     both individually and in small
               dents can apply their                                             groups. AVID teaching methods
               knowledge.  A particular program-  proval and enrollment in Uni-  and materials are used with partic-
               ming language constitutes the vehi-  versity of California A-G    ular emphasis given to English-lan-
               cle for implementing computer-   course sequence                  guage arts and mathematics. Stu-
               based solutions to particular prob-  Grade: 9                     dents practice and prepare for col-
               lems.  Treatments of computer    Duration: Year Long Course       lege entrance tests like the SAT
               systems and the social implications   Credit: 10 Units            and ACT.
               of computing are integrated into the
               course and not isolated as sepa-  This course is an A-G course in
               rate units.  JAVA will be the lan-  which students are tutored in all ac-  Advancement Via Individual
               guage of Computer Science Ad-    ademic areas by college students   Determination (AVID 12)
               vanced Placement/AB.             both individually and in small   Prerequisite: Instructor ap-
                                                groups. AVID teaching methods    proval and enrollment in Uni-
               AP PRINCIPLES OF COM-            and materials are used with partic-  versity of California A-G
               PUTER SCIENCE                    ular emphasis given to English-lan-  course sequence
               Grades: 11, 12                                                    Grade: 12
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