Page 20 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 20
Duration: Semester Long Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Grades: 10, 11, 12
Course Duration: Year Long Course Duration: Year Long Course
Credit: 5 units Credit: 10 units Credit: 10 Units
The Medical Terminology course is Campus Culture and Communica- In this course students create, pro-
designed to introduce students to tion is a service-learning program duce and perform precision rou-
the structure of medical terms, in- whereby students master the skills tines that rely on dance. Students
cluding prefixes, suffixes, word necessary to promote school perform routines using flags,
roots, singular and plural forms, events and positively impact school hoops, and streamers.
and medical abbreviations. The culture. Students will gain the skills
course allows students to achieve necessary to use all forms of com- COLLEGE AND CAREER
comprehension of medical vocabu- munication, including in-person and SEMINAR
lary appropriate to medical proce- electronic, to build awareness of Grades: 9
dures, human anatomy and physi- campus happenings, reinforce Duration: Semester Long
ology, and pathophysiology. campus values, and respond to Course
campus stakeholder groups. Stu- Credit: 5 Units
dents will serve as positive role
models, motivators and student
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY IN- mentors with the goal of bringing This course is designed to help stu-
TERNSHIP the campus community of individu- dents foster academic success in
Grades: 11, 12 als from different backgrounds and their high school years and to aid in
Duration: Year Long Course experiences together through a successfully reaching life goals set
Credit: 10 Units common language of what it by the individual student. This
means to be a productive part of course introduces students to a de-
cision-making process that will help
This course expands upon the the school community. Students them envision and plan for a future
Medical Terminology course and will also serve as liaisons with the career that is productive, achieva-
gives students the knowledge Associated Student Body (ASB) ble, and stimulating. This personal-
needed to enter into the medical program to support the advertise- ized 10 year plan provides students
field through hands-on experience. ment of school happenings to the with the focus and intrinsic motiva-
larger student body and any other tion to succeed in high school, col-
interested parties
ADDITIONAL lege, at work and in life.
Grades: 11, 12 This course is designed to help stu-
ELECTIVES: Duration: Year Long Course dents learn and practice valuable
Credit: 10 Units skills to help them to be career and
college ready. Students will
HEALTH demonstrate their understanding of
Note: GRADUATION RE- This course is designed to meet a career paths through a variety of
QUIRED COURSE variety of student needs in devel- assessments, projects, job simula-
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 oping an understanding of the com- tions, speeches, research assign-
Duration: Semester Long plexities of human psychology. ments, online portfolio, and a re-
Course search paper. Students will identify
Credit: 5 Units AP PSYCHOLOGY academic interests, skills, values
Grades: 11, 12 and personality types, research
This required course emphasizes Duration: Year Long Course employers and industries, gain ex-
perience with public speaking and
principles of health promotion and Credit: 10 Units interview skills, familiarize them-
disease prevention. The course selves with college and job search
content will include: personal This course is designed to provide tools, strengthen writing skills,
health; consumer and community students with an in-depth study of learn goal setting, solidify research
health; injury prevention and the major approaches to psychol- techniques, and write a research
safety; individual growth and devel- ogy. This includes the systematic paper utilizing correct MLA format.
opment; tobacco, alcohol, and and scientific study of the behavior
other drugs; nutrition; communica- and mental processes of human AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY
ble and chronic diseases; family liv- psychology. Students will explore
ing, and environmental health. This the ideas, theories, and methods of 1A/1B
course will also include units on the scientific study of behavior and Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
study skills, time management, mental processes through reading Duration: Year Long Course
note-taking, outlining, and test-tak- and discussion. Students will learn Credits: 10 units
ing skills necessary for a success- to connect psychological concepts
ful high school experience. to real-life scenarios, interpret data, The purpose of the AP Human Ge-
and analyze research studies. ography course is to introduce stu-
CAMPUS CULTURE AND dents to the systematic study of
COMMUNICATION TALL FLAGS/MARCHING patterns and processes that have
AUX shaped human understanding, use,