Page 16 - 2022 Course Selection
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literature. Skills studied include performance of wind ensemble lit-
sight-reading, phrasing, interpreta- era- ture. Performance quality and MADRIGALS 1A/1B
tion, styles, and professional per- advanced musical skills are em- Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
formance. phasized.
Duration: Year Long Course
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Instructor Ap- Prerequisite: Instructor Ap- Madrigals is an advanced mixed
choral group. This small, select
proval proval group of vocalists studies all styles
Duration: Year Long Course Duration: Year Long Course of difficult vocal literature. Instruc-
Credit: 10 Units Credit: 10 Units tion focuses on the development of
artistic self-discipline and the
This course is an advanced group This course offers students the op- knowledge of style and interpreta-
for the serious instrumental music portuni- ty to study and perform tion. Membership involves partici-
student. Music performed will in- music of all periods. Instruction fo- pation in numerous public perfor-
clude swing and blues styles in a cuses on singing correctly as a mances. Madrigals work almost ex-
big band format. Students will par- group, note reading, breathing, ar- clusively with acappella music in
ticipate in jazz festivals and de- ticulation, tone, pitch, blend, and several languages. elements of
velop individual solo skills. concert skills. The Concert Choir theory, ear training, music appreci-
performs music in three and four ation, and critical listening. Behav-
SYMPHONIC BAND 1A/1B parts. ioral objectives include develop-
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 ment of appreciation of historical
Prerequisite: Instructor Ap- CONTEMPORARY CHOIR and cultural heritage, aesthetic per-
proval 1A/1B ception, creative expression, and
aesthetic valuing.
Duration: Year Long Course Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: 10 Units Prerequisite: Instructor Ap- DANCE PERFORMANCE
proval 1A/1B
This course is designed for ex- Duration: Year Long Course Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
tended musical development be- Credit: 10 Units Duration: Year Long Course
yond the Concert Band and will
continue and advance skills in This course offers students the op- Credit: 10 Units
sight-reading, phrasing, interpre- portunity to study and perform mu-
tation, styles and professional per- sic from the 1920's through present This course will provide students
for- mance utilizing concert band day with an emphasis on jazz with an overview of dance. Units
literature and other materials. styles and improvisation. Some will be taught in Ballet, Modern
choreography is involved as well as Dance, Jazz Dance, Ethnic Dance,
FESTIVAL WINDS 1A/1B instrumental accompaniments. dance improvisation, choreogra-
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Contemporary Choir is a perfor- phy, dance production, and dance
history. This one-year course may
Prerequisite: Instructor Ap- mance-oriented group and, as be repeated at the intermediate
proval such, studies the concepts of stage and/or advanced levels for credit.
presence and professionalism.
Duration: Year Long Course Festivals and competitions are in-
Credit: 10 Units cluded. This course may be re- DANCE PERFORMANCE
peated for duplicate credit. 2A/2B
This course is designed for the su- Grades: 10, 11, 12
perior instrumental musician. The Duration: Year Long Course
curriculum includes the study and Credit: 10 Units
performance of advanced wind en-
semble literature. Performance TREBLE CHOIR 1A/1B (FE-
quality and advanced musical skills MALES ONLY) Dance Performance 2 is designed
are emphasized. Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 to develop intermediate skills in
Prerequisite: Instructor Ap- Ballet, Jazz, Modern, and introduc-
SYMPHONIC WINDS 1A/1B proval tory West African Tribal tech-
niques. Students will be introduced
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Duration: Year Long Course to the study of choreographic tech-
Prerequisite: Instructor Ap- Credit: 10 Units nique enhanced by rubric based
proval choreography assessments. Stu-
Duration: Year Long Course This course is designed for girls dents will advance the knowledge
Credit: 10 Units treble voices. Students will study a and comprehension of the kines-
wide variety of two- and three-part thetic principles, historical and cul-
This course is designed for the ad- music. Students will learn note tural context, and appreciation of
vanced instrumental musician. The reading and vocal technique, varie- Dance as an art form introduced in
curriculum includes the study and ties in style and interpretation, and Dance Performance I with empha-
performance skills. sis in Artistic Perception and Crea-
tive Expression.