Page 11 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 11

Grades Offered: 11, 12           This course is a beginning course   Prerequisite: Intro Physical
               Prerequisite: ELECTIVE, can-     in physical education at the high   Education
               not be sole science for jun-     school level. It is a required course   Grades: 10, 11, 12
               iors                             for all students except those en-  Duration: Semester Course
               Duration: Year Long Course       rolled in Advanced Physical Educa-  Credit: 5 Units
               Credit: 10 Units

                                                PHYSICAL EDUCATION               This course emphasizes physical
               Major topics include vertebrate and                               activities that promote a lifetime of
               invertebrate zoology and the rela-  1A/1B                         physical, mental, and social well-
               tionship between animals and their   Grades: 10, 11, 12           ness. Activities are physically orga-
               environment. Selected topics in the   Duration: Year Long Course   nized to help the students partici-
               field biology are presented to pro-  Credit: 10 Units             pate in and gain the knowledge
               vide opportunities for students to                                needed to develop a lifetime of
               apply their knowledge of zoology   This course emphasizes activities   physical recreation and fitness and
               and the ecology in natural environ-  that are organized           will focus on individual, duo, small
               mental settings. Laboratory work,   to help the student gain physical fit-  team activities. Activities chosen
               including dissections, is an integral   ness and increase their knowledge   will show students how to be moti-
               part of this course. Note: dissection   of sports.                vated and self directed participa-
               may be apart of this course.                                      tors for life. This course may be re-
                                                                                 peated for duplicate credit.
               Grades: 11, 12                   EDUCATION
               Prerequisite: ELECTIVE, can-     Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
               not be sole science course       Duration: Fall Semester          DANCE PE 1A/1B
               for juniors                      Credit: 5 Units                  Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
               Duration: Year Long Course                                        Duration: Year Long Course
               Credit: 10 units                 This course is designed to provide   Credit: 10 units
                                                instruction for all marching units, in-
                                                cluding band, tall flags, drill team,
               This elective science course for   and color guard with an emphasis   This course will provide students
               those students interested in the de-  on fitness. Rehearsals and perfor-  with an overview of dance. Units
               tailed scientific investigation prac-                             will be taught in Ballet, Modern
               tices used in the criminal justice   mances outside the regular school   Dance, Jazz Dance, Ethnic Dance,
                                                day are scheduled. This course
               system. This course allows stu-  may be repeated for a total of 20   dance improvisation, choreogra-
               dents to explore how science and                                  phy, dance production, and dance
               inquiry can be applied to the crimi-  credits and can be used to fulfill the   history. This one-year course may
                                                high school Physical Education re-
               nal justice system. Topics include:   quirement for graduation.   be repeated at the intermediate
               crime scene analysis, physical/                                   and/or advanced levels for credit.
               chemical analysis of evidence, mi-
               croscopy, chromatography, hair/fi-  PHYSICAL ED FOR LIFETIME
               ber/glass/document/fingerprint   ACTIVITIES WALKING               DANCE PE 2A/2B
               analysis, firearms, drug, toxicology,   Prerequisite: Intro Physical Edu-  Grades: 10, 11, 12
               entomology, anthropology, blood   cation                          Duration: Year Long Course
               (serology) and DNA analysis. Prin-  Grades: 10, 11, 12            Credit: 10 units
               cipal methods of learning include   Duration Semester Course
               lecture, demonstration, case study   Credit: 5 Units              Dance Performance 2 is designed
               analysis, forensic journal reading,                               to develop intermediate skills in
               forensics competitions, lab activi-  This course emphasizes physical   Ballet, Jazz, Modern, and introduc-
               ties, capstone projects and experi-  activities that promote a lifetime of   tory West African Tribal tech-
               ments.                           physical, mental, and social well-  niques. Students will be introduced
                                                ness. Activities are physically orga-  to the study of choreographic tech-
               PHYSICAL                         nized to help the students partici-  nique enhanced by rubric based
                                                                                 choreography assessments. Stu-
                                                pate in and gain the knowledge
                                                needed to develop a lifetime of   dents will advance the knowledge
               EDUCATION:                       physical recreation and fitness and   and comprehension of the kines-
                                                                                 thetic principles, historical and cul-
                                                will focus on individual, duo, small
                                                team activities. Activities chosen   tural context, and appreciation of
               INTRODUCTION TO PHYSI-           will show students how to be moti-  Dance as an art form introduced in
               CAL EDUCATION 1A/1B              vated and self directed participa-  Dance Performance I with empha-
               Grades Offered: 9                tors for life. This course may be re-  sis in Artistic Perception and Crea-
               Year Course                      peated for duplicate credit.     tive Expression.
               Credit: 10 Units
                                                PHYSICAL ED FOR LIFETIME
                                                ACTIVITIES YOGA
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