Page 9 - 2022 Course Selection
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students a thorough under-       This course is a college prepara-  NATURAL SCIENCE 1A/1B
               standing of the principles of    tory course in biological science.   Grades: 10, 11, 12
               economics that apply to an eco-  Laboratory work is an integral part   Duration: Year Long Course
               nomic system as a whole. The     of this course. These activities are   Credit: 10 Units
               course places particular em-     designed to reinforce subject area
               phasis on the study of national   content. Topics covered include life   This course is a college prepara-
                                                functions, physio- logical mecha-
               income and price-level determi-  nisms, cell biology, molecular biol-  tory course with chemistry, physics,
               nation, and also develops stu-   ogy, plant anatomy and physiology,   astronomy and oceanography com-
               dents’ familiarity with economic   taxonomy, invertebrate zoology,   ponents that align with District Sci-
               performance measures, the fi-    natural selection, and heredity. An   ence Standards. Laboratory work
               nancial sector, stabilization poli-  emphasis is placed on the evalua-  investigates core concepts in the
               cies, economic growth, and in-   tion of scientific and technological   physical science standards and is
                                                                                 designed to reinforce subject area
               ternational economics.           advances in the area of biological   content. The physics component
                                                                                 includes exploration of Newton's
               AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY               BIOLOGY HONORS 1A/1B             Laws, energy transfers, properties
               1A/1B                            Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12            of wave motion and electric and
               Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12            Duration: Year Long Course       magnetic phenomena. Major chem-
               Duration: Year Long Course       Credit: 10 units                 istry topics include periodic trends,
               Credits: 10 units                                                 bonding, conservation of mass and
                                                                                 energy, nature of matter, properties
                                                This course is a college prepara-  of solutions, and atomic structure.
               The purpose of the AP Human Ge-  tory course in biological sci-   The astronomy component ad-
               ography course is to introduce stu-  ence.  Major topics include life   dresses the structure, scale and
               dents to the systematic study of   functions, physiological mecha-  change of the solar system, the
               patterns and processes that have   nisms, cell biology, molecular biol-  Earth's atmosphere, optics, geol-
               shaped human understanding, use,   ogy, classification, natural selection   ogy, and physical and chemical
               and alteration of Earth's surface.   and evolution, heredity, ecology   properties of rocks and minerals.
               Students employ spatial concepts   and human systems.  An emphasis   Major oceanography topics include
               and landscape analysis to examine   is placed on the evaluation of sci-  plate tectonics, role of the ocean in
               human social organization and its   entific technological advances in   weather and climate, geochemical
               environmental consequences.They   the area of biological science.  La-  cycles, natural resources and natu-
               also learn about the methods and   boratory activities are designed to   ral hazards, and how life on Earth
               tools geographers use in their sci-  provide students with creative   affects the atmosphere.
               ence and practice.               problem-solving experiences.  Indi-
                                                vidual and group investigations in   CHEMISTRY 1A/1B
               AP EUROPEAN HISTORY              the library and in the laboratory   Grades: 10, 11, 12
               1A/1B                            stress the relationship between sci-  Prerequisite: Concurrent en-
               Grades: 10, 11, 12               ence, technology, the individual   rollment in Integrated Math 2
               Duration: Year Long Course       and society.                     or better
               Credits: 10 units                                                 Duration: Year Long Course
                                                AP BIOLOGY 1A/1B                 Credit: 10 Units
                                                Grades: 11, 12
               This course will provide a basic un-  Prerequisite: C or better in
               derstanding of events, issues, and                                This course is a college prepara-
               individuals central to European his-  Chemistry                   tory course in physical science.
               tory from 1450 to the present.  The   Duration: Year Long Course   Topics presented are the applica-
               ability to analyze historical evi-  Credit: 10 Units              tion of metric measurement, tm
               dence (primary and secondary re-                                  properties of matter, families of
               sources) and express historical un-  This course in the life sciences is   chemical elements, chemical
               derstanding in writing will be em-  designed to conform to the stand-  change, techniques employed in
               phasized.  Students will be encour-  ards of the Advanced Placement   the mathematical manipulation of
               aged to take the Advanced Place-  Program.  The course includes a   chemical data, and the role of
               ment Examination in European His-  thorough treatment of biochemistry,   chemicals in modern society. The
               tory.                            cytology, biological diversity, or-  importance of chemistry in other
                                                ganismal biology, and population   scientific fields of study is empha-
                                                ecology.  The curriculum is de-  sized.
               SCIENCE:                         signed to prepare the student for a
                                                rigorous exam which may result in   CHEMISTRY HONORS 1A/1B
               BIOLOGY 1A/1B                    the awarding of college credit.   Grades: 10, 11, 12
               Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12            Notes: Dissection may be a part of   Prerequisite: “B” or better in
               Duration: Year Long Course       this course.  Students may select   Integrated Math I for incom-
               Credit: 10 units                 an alternative assignment in lieu of   ing sophomores or “C” or
                                                actual dissection of an organism.
                                                                                 better in Integrated Math I for
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