Page 7 - 2022 Course Selection
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This course will cover the following   FINANCIAL ALGEBRA 1A/1B    Grades: 11, 12
               topics: exploring data (interpreting   Prerequisite: C or better in In-  Prerequisite: B or better in
               graphical displays of distributions,   tegrated Math 2            PreCalc Honors  with teacher
               summarizing and comparing distri-  Grade: 12                      recommendation or C or bet-
               butions of univariate data, and ex-  Duration: Year Long Course   ter in AP Calc AB
               ploring bivariate and categorical   Credit: 10 Units              Duration: Year Long Course
               data); planning a study (planning,
               conducting, and generalizing re-                                  Credit: 10 units
               sults from surveys and experi-   This course emphasizes mathe-
               ments); producing models using   matics in the real world from an al-  This course is designed for stu-
               probability theory and simulation   gebraic approach. Topics include   dents who wish to earn college
               (probability as relative frequency,   Stock Market, Modeling a Busi-  credit in Calculus by taking the Cal-
               combining independent random     ness, Banking Services, Consumer   culus BC Advanced Placement Ex-
               variables, the normal distribution,   Credit, Automobile Ownership, Em-  amination.  The BC exam covers
               and sampling distributions); statisti-  ployment Basics, Income Taxes,   more topics than does the AB
               cal inference-confirming models   Independent Living, Planning for   exam and earns more credit at
               (use of confidence intervals, testing   Retirement, Prepare a Budget.   most colleges and universities.  It is
               of significance and hypothesis, and                               designed for those students who
               appropriate use of the t-distribu-  CALCULUS 1A/1B                plan to major in mathematics, engi-
               tion).  Students will review for the   Prerequisite: C or better in   neering, computer science, or a
               Advanced Placement Statistics                                     math related field. This course re-
               Test.                            PreCalc  or PreCalc Honors       views topics such as: Cartesian
                                                Grades: 11, 12                   plane and functions, limits and their
               STATISTICS 1A/1B                 Year Course                      properties, differentiation and its
                                                Credit: 10 Units
               Grades: 11, 12                                                    applications, integration and its ap-
               Prerequisite: C or better in In-                                  plications.  This course also em-
                                                                                 phasizes integration through partial
               tegrated Math 3                  This course is for students who   fraction decomposition, trigonomet-
               Duration: Year Long Course       wish to continue in the math se-  ric integration, L'Hopital's rule, im-
                                                quence and experience Calculus
               Credit: 10 Units                 before attending a university. Cal-  proper integrals, infinite series,
                                                culus 1A-1B covers such topics as   Taylor and Maclaurin series and
               This course is designed for the   the Cartesian plane and functions,   polynomial approximations, para-
               college-bound student who does   limits and their properties, differen-  metric, polar, and vector functions,
               not plan on majoring in a math   tiation and its applications, integra-  analysis of planar curves in para-
               based field. Probability and Statis-  tion and its applications.   metric form, polar form and vector
               tics covers such as: organizing                                   form, derivatives of parametric,
               data, averages and variations, ele-  AP CALCULUS AB 1A/1B         polar, and vector functions, Eu-
               mentary probability theory, bino-  Grades: 11, 12                 ler's method, and slope fields.
               mial distributions, normal distribu-
               tions, and introduction to sampling   Prerequisite: B or better in
               distributions.                   PreCal 1B or C or better in      SOCIAL SCI-
                                                PreCalc Honors 1B
               MATH REASONING WITH              Duration: Year Long Course
               CONNECTIONS (MRWC)               Credit: 10 units                 ENCE:
               Grades: 11, 12                   This course is designed for stu-  WORLD HISTORY 1A/1B
               Prerequisite: C or better in In-  dents who wish to earn college   Grade: 10
               tegrated Math 1-3                credit in Calculus by taking the Cal-  Duration: Year Long Course
               Duration: Year Long Course       culus AB Advanced Placement Ex-  Credit: 10 units
               Credit: 10 units                 amination.  It is designed for those
                                                students who plan to major in
                                                mathematics, engineering, com-   This course is to encourage stu-
               MRWC is a college-prep course    puter science, or a math related   dents to develop an understanding
               that reinforces and builds on skills   field. This course covers such top-  of and interest in world history. Crit-
               developed in Integrated Math 1-3   ics as: the Cartesian plane and   ical thinking skills, basic study
               to help students make sense of the   functions, limits and their proper-  skills, and participation skills are
               “why” behind the fundamental con-  ties, differentiation and its applica-  emphasized so that students will
               cepts of math (numbers, functions,   tions, integration, logarithmic and   understand the relevance of world
               and equations). The class develops   exponential functions, differentia-  history in their everyday lives. This
               habits of mind that postsecondary   tion and integration of logarithmic,   World History course emphasizes
               faculty and employers are looking   exponential and other transcen-  the essential world history issues
               for: persistence, collaboration,   dental functions, volumes by disc,   between the late eighteenth cen-
               communication skills, critical think-  and cross sectional areas.   tury to present.
               ing, and reasoning.
                                                AP CALCULUS BC 2A/2B             AP WORLD HISTORY 1A/1B
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