Page 4 - 2022 Course Selection
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Prerequisite: Admission into
ENGLISH: This course focuses on the devel- the PUENTE Program
opment of the student's ability to Duration: Year Long Course
LANGUAGE ARTS 1A/1B use the writing process in response Credit: 10 units
Grade: 9 to a literature-based curricu-
Duration: Year Long Course lum. This course will integrate This course focuses on the devel-
reading, writing, listening, and
Credit: 10 units speaking. Students will experience opment of the student's ability to
a variety of literary genres with an use the writing process in response
to a literature-based curricu-
This course focuses on the devel- emphasis on world literature. The
opment of the student's ability to course will develop critical thinking lum. This course will integrate
use the writing process in response skills and the proper use of lan- reading, writing, listening, and
to a literature-based curricu- guage. Vocabulary will be taught speaking. Students will experience
lum. The course will integrate within the context of the litera- a variety of literary genres. The
reading, writing, listening, and ture. This course will help students course will develop critical thinking
speaking. The language skills nec- develop values and understanding skills and the proper use of lan-
essary to master the writing pro- of themselves and others. guage. Vocabulary will be taught
cess will be emphasized. In-depth within the context of the litera-
studies of selected literary works LANGUAGE ARTS 2A/2B ture. This course will help students
will provide an opportunity to study HONORS develop values and understanding
human values through literature. of themselves and others. The
Grade: 10 PUENTE course integrates His-
Prerequisites: Admissions panic/Latino and other multicultural
LANGUAGE ARTS 1A/1B literature and culture into the core
HONORS into the Honors Program curriculum.
Duration: Year Long Course
Grade: 9
Prerequisites: Admission Credit: 10 units LANGUAGE ARTS 3A/3B
into the Honors Program Grade: 11
Duration: Year Long Course This course focuses on the devel- Duration: Year Long Course
opment of the student's ability to
Credit: 10 units use the writing process in response Credit: 10 units
to a literature-based curricu-
This course focuses on the devel- lum. This course will integrate This course focuses on the devel-
opment of the student's ability to reading, writing, opment of the student's ability to
use the writing process in response use the writing process in response
to a literature-based curricu- to a literature-based curricu-
lum. The course will integrate lum. This course will integrate
reading, writing, listening, and reading, writing, listening, and
speaking. The language skills nec- listening, and speaking. Students speaking. Students will experience
essary to master the writing pro- will experience a variety of literary a variety of literary genres with an
cess will be emphasized. In-depth genres with an emphasis on world emphasis on American litera-
studies of selected literary works literature. The course will develop ture. The course will develop criti-
will provide an opportunity to study critical thinking skills and the cal thinking skills and the proper
human values through literature. proper use of language. Vocabu- use of language. Vocabulary will
lary will be taught within the context be taught within the context of the
of the literature. This course will literature. This course will help stu-
help students develop values and
understanding of themselves and dents develop values and under-
standing of themselves and others.
In the Honors Program, students CSU Expository Reading
will be offered challenging literary In the Honors Program, students Writing Course (ERWC)
works emphasizing higher level will be offered challenging literary
thinking skills. Honors students will works emphasizing higher level 1A/1B
be expected to read and write ex- thinking skills. Honors students will Grade: 12
tensively. be expected to read and write ex- Duration: Year Long Course
tensively. Credit: 10 units
Grade: 10 LANGUAGE ARTS 2A/2B ERWC is a college preparatory
Duration: Year Long Course PUENTE English course for high school sen-
Credit: 10 units Grade: 10 iors that aligns with the California
English Language Arts Content