Page 6 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 6

Functions, Geometry, and Statis-  gories: Modeling, Functions, Num-  zeros and solutions, polynomial
               tics and Probability. Quadratic ex-  ber & Quantity, Algebra, Geometry,   and rational functions, exponential
               pressions, equations, and func-  and Statistics & Probability.    and logarithmic functions, the unit
               tions; comparing their characteris-                               circle, trigonometric functions ap-
               tics and behavior to linear and ex-  INTEGRATED MATH 3A/3B        plied to right triangles, graphs of
               ponential relationships are empha-  ENHANCED                      trigonometric functions, applica-
               sized.                           Grades: 9, 10, 11                tions of trigonometry, oblique trian-
                                                Prerequisite: B or better in In-  gles, verifying identities, solving
               INTEGRATED MATH                  tegrated Math 2B or Inte-        trigonometric equations, linear
               2A/2B  ENHANCED                  grated Math 2 Enhanced           models and systems of equations,
                                                                                 matrices and determinants, se-
               Grades: 9, 10, 11 12             Duration: Year Long Course       quences, conics, and vectors.
               Prerequisite: B or better in In-  Credit: 10 units
               tegrated Math 1B or Inte-                                         PRE-CALCULUS HONORS
               grated Math 1 Enhanced           In this course, students will review,   1A/1B
               Duration: Year Long Course       make connections, and further de-  Grades: 10, 11, 12
               Credit: 10 units                 velop skills learned in Integrated   Prerequisite: B or better in Pre
                                                Mathematics II.  The fundamental   Calc or C or better in Integrated
               In this course, students will review,   topics of Mathematics III are: 1)   Math 3 Enhanced
               make connections, and further de-  functions and polynomials including   Duration: Year Long Course
               velop skills learned in Integrated   division and the Factor Theorem;   Credit: 10 units
               Mathematics I.  The fundamental   2) sequences and series including
               topics of Mathematics II are: 1) ex-  Pascal’s Triangle and the Binomial
               pansion of real numbers including   Theorem; 3) statistical inference in-  This course is designed for the col-
               roots, radicals, and exponents; 2)   cluding probability and decision-  lege-bound student who plans to
               polynomials including properties,   making and the normal distribution;   major in the sciences, architecture,
               components, and factoring; 3)    4) trigonometry including identities,   engineering, computer science,
               quadratics including the formula,   graphs, and application to trian-  mathematics, economics, busi-
               application, and introduction to the   gles; 5) complex numbers and pol-  ness, psychology, or any math re-
               complex plane; 4) functions includ-  ynomials including graphs, and ap-  lated field.  Pre-Calculus 1A-1B
               ing tables, slopes, inverses, and   plication to triangles; 6) polynomial   Honors is an in-depth study of the
               exponential functions; 5) applica-  and rational functions including se-  prerequisite skills to a college level
               tions of probability; 6) Euclidean   cants and tangents; 7) exponential   calculus course including an exten-
               geometry including congruence    and logarithmic functions including   sion of the concepts covered in Al-
               and proof, similarity, circles, and   properties, e, and natural loga-  gebra 2 with an emphasis on trigo-
               coordinate geometry.  Enhanced   rithms.  The enhanced topics in-  nometry and functions, their appli-
               topics include: complex plane,   clude learning the trigonometric   cations.  Graphing calculators and
               complex numbers, matrices, trigo-  function of tangent and the three   their applications will be empha-
               nometric functions and their     reciprocal functions secant, cose-  sized.  Pre-Calculus 1A-1B Honors
               graphs, and conics.              cant, and cotangent. Enhanced    covers advanced topics in the ar-
                                                students will build and prove trigo-  eas of: review of algebra, functions
                                                nometric formulas and identities.
                                                                                 and graphs, intercepts, zeros and
               INTEGRATED MATH 3A/3B            Students who successfully com-   solutions, polynomial and rational
               Grades Offered: 10, 11, 12       pleted this course, as well as Inte-  functions, exponential and logarith-
               Prerequisite: Passing grades     grated Math II Enhanced, and Inte-  mic functions, the unit circle, trigo-
               in Integrated Math 1 and Inte-   grated Math I Enhanced will have   nometric functions applied to right
               grated Math 2                    completed sufficient Pre-Calculus   triangles, graphs of trigonometric
               Duration: Year Long Course       curriculum.                      functions, applications of trigonom-
               Credit: 10 Units                                                  etry, oblique triangles, verifying
                                                PRE-CALCULUS 1A/1B               identities, solving trigonometric
               The Focus of Integrated Math 3 is   Grades: 10, 11, 12            equations, linear models and sys-
                                                                                 tems of equations, matrices and
               continuation of Math 1 and Math 2   Prerequisite: C or better in In-
               that expands student’s knowledge   tegrated Math 3                determinants, sequences, probabil-
                                                                                 ity and statistics, conics, parametric
               of functions to include polyno-  Duration: Year Long Course       equations, polar coordinates, vec-
               mial,rational, and radical functions   Credit: 10 Units           tors, limits, tangent lines, and area.
               and expands right-triangle trigo-
               nometry to include general trian-
               gles. Finally, students bring to-  This course is designed for the col-  AP STATISTICS 1A/1B
               gether all of their experience with   lege-bound student who plans to   Grades: 11, 12
               functions and geometry to create   major in economics, business, psy-  Prerequisite: B or better in In-
               models and solve contextual prob-  chology, or any other math related   tegrated Math 3
               lems. The standards in the inte-  field. Precalculus is a study of the   Duration: Year Long Course
               grated Mathematics 3 course come   prerequisite skills to a calculus   Credit: 10 units
               from the following conceptual cate-  course.Pre-Calculus 1A-1B covers
                                                such topics as: review of algebra,
                                                functions and graphs, intercepts,
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