Page 8 - 2022 Course Selection
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Grades: 10-12 United States History. Students will This is a one year integrated
Duration: Year Long Course be given extensive practice in ana- course designed to provide stu-
Credit: 10 units lyzing historical problems, collect- dents with an in-depth interdiscipli-
ing and sorting information, devel- nary study of U.S. government, pol-
itics, and economics. Students will
oping a thesis, and writing essays
This course is designed to develop to communicate conclusions. analyze critical elements of our
a greater understanding of the evo- government, its various institu-
lution of global processes and con- U.S. GOVERNMENT tions, groups, beliefs, as well as
tacts, in interaction with different the key concepts of our political
types of human societies. This un- Grade: 12 system. The systematic study of
derstanding is advanced through a Duration: Semester Long microeconomics and macroeco-
combination of selective factual Credit: 5 units nomics principles and concepts will
knowledge and appropriate analyti- also be included.
cal skills. The course highlights the This course will prepare students
nature of changes in international for their lives as citizens. Students
frameworks and their causes and will gain an understanding of the ECONOMICS
consequences, as well as compari- American political process focused
sons among major societies. It on how they can enter and influ- Grade: 12
emphasizes relevant factual ence that process. Students will be Duration: Semester Long
knowledge used in conjunction with prepared to vote, and to reflect on Course
learning interpretive issues and their responsibilities. Credit: 5 units
types of historical evidence. The
course builds on an understanding U.S. GOVERNMENT HONORS This course is the systematic study
of cultural, institutional and techno- Grade: 12 of man’s efforts to satisfy his wants
logical precedents that, along with Duration: Semester Long by securing goods and services
geography, set the human from the available scarce re-
stage. Periodization, explicitly dis- Credit: 5 units sources. The high school econom-
cussed, forms an organizing princi- ics course is an introduction to the
ple for dealing with change and Honors Government is the study of essential concepts, principles, val-
continuity throughout the course. the historical backgrounds, govern- ues, and methods of economic
ing principles, and institutions of analysis and their application to the
U.S. HISTORY 1A/1B the government of the United modern world. Emphasis is also
Grade: 11 States. The focus is on the princi- given to consumer problems and
ples and beliefs upon which the
Duration: Year Long Course United States was founded and on preparing the individual student to
Credit: 10 units the structure, functions, and pow- be a knowledgeable and effective
ers of government at the national,
This course introduces and elabo- state, and local levels. The princi- ECONOMICS HONORS
rates upon fundamental principles ples of popular sovereignty, sepa-
and concepts in the history of our ration of powers, checks and bal- Grades: 12
country. The course begins with a ances, republicanism, federalism, Duration: Semester Long
brief review of United States history and individual rights will be exam- Course
from the colonial period to the late ined as will the roles of individuals Credits: 5 units
nineteenth century. The course and groups in the American politi-
then proceeds to emphasize twen- cal system. Students will compare This course is the systematic study
tieth century American history. Stu- the American system of govern- of micro and macro economic prin-
dents are encouraged to analyze ment with other modern systems ciples and concepts. Emphasis is
the historical roots of current and assess the strengths and prob- placed on analysis of economic
events within America. Students lems associated with the American problems as they relate to personal
are encouraged to critically exam- system. The honors level course and societal decision-making. In-
ine historical issues from multicul- requires students to utilize higher terpretation of graphs and mathe-
tural perspectives. order thinking skills such as analy- matical data receive close atten-
sis and synthesis while completing tion. This course will help students'
AP U.S. HISTORY 1A/1B more rigorous assignments. In ad- critical thinking skills, ability to eval-
Grade: 11 dition, more emphasis is placed on uate data, and ability to analyze
Duration: Year Long Course research mastery and project- and synthesize evidence.
Credit: 10 units based learning.
This course is designed to give stu- AP U.S. GOVERNMENT Grade: 12
dents grounding in the subject mat- Grade: 12 Duration: Semester Long
ter of American history and in inter- Duration: Semester Long Course
pretive questions that derive from Course Credit: 5 units
the study of major themes in United Credit: 5 units
States history. Students are en-
couraged to prepare for the Ad- The purpose of the AP course
vanced Placement Examination in in macroeconomics is to give