Page 13 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 13

activities within the areas of listen-  This course is designed as a com-  home. Students will learn approxi-
               ing, speaking, reading, writing, cul-  prehensive review of Chinese   mately 700 simplified characters.
               ture, and learning skills.       grammar as introduced in the pre-  This course will also promote cul-
                                                vious courses. Coursework and    tural awareness through various lit-
               AP SPANISH LITERATURE &          lectures are predominantly in the   erary essays and graded readers.
               CULTURE 1A/1B                    target language. Reading and writ-  Successful completion of this
                                                ing skills are also emphasized. It is
                                                                                 course will enable students to en-
               Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12            a literature based course.       roll in Chinese 3 or AP Chinese per
               Duration: Year Long Course                                        teacher recommendation.
               Prerequisite: C or better in
               AP Spanish Language and                                           AP CHINESE HERITAGE A/B
               Culture                                                           Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
               Credit: 10 Units                 CHINESE 3A/3B HONORS             Prerequisite: C or Better in
                                                Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12            AP Chinese Native
                                                Prerequisite: B or better in
               This course is designed to provide                                Duration: Year Long Course
               students with an in-depth study of   Chinese 2B                   Credit: 10 units
               selected works from the literature   Duration: Year Long Course
               of Spain and Spanish Amer-       Credit: 10 Units                 This course further develops and
               ica.  Students read and analyze lit-                              refines the speaking, listening,
               erature both orally and in writing in   Chinese 3A/3B Honors is designed   reading and writing skills devel-
               Spanish.  This course emphasizes   to prepare students for the rigor of   oped in Chinese Native Speakers
               advanced composition, grammar    the 4th year Advanced Placement   1A-1B. Through constant practice,
               and dialogue focused on the analy-  Course.  This Chinese 3A/3B Hon-  students expand their ability from
               sis of Spanish literary works repre-  ors course will bring the students   everyday survival language to
               senting all genres.              an opportunity to refine their four   more advanced interactions. Con-
                                                language proficiency skills: listen-  ducted entirely in Chinese, this
               CHINESE 1A/1B                    ing, speaking, reading and writing   course includes grammar review,
               Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12            in the intermediate to Advanced-  vocabulary development, and en-
               Duration: Year Long Course       level range across the three com-  gages students in communicative
               Credit: 10 Units                 municative modes (Interpersonal,   exercises. Reading materials in-
                                                Interpretive, and Presentational)   clude a selection of contemporary
                                                and the California World Language   articles, and literary as well as cul-
               This course is designed to develop   Standards (Content, Communica-  tural authentic texts. Reports and
               the language skills of listening,   tion, Culture, Structures and Set-  oral presentations strengthen all ar-
               speaking, reading, and writing. Em-  tings).  This course provides the   eas. Students will learn an addi-
               phasis will be placed on listening   students an opportunity to immerse   tional 700 characters, either in the
               and speaking activities and upon   in the richness of Chinese Lan-  simplified or traditional form.
               the grammatical principles of the   guage and Culture by comparing
               present tense through written exer-  Chinese-speaking cultures with
               cises.                           his/her own culture and presenting   AP CHINESE LANGUAGE
                                                selections from a variety of litera-  &  CULTURE 1A/1B
               CHINESE 2A/2B                    ture and media. Students are re-  Grades: 11, 12
               Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12            quired to speak in Chinese as    Prerequisite: C or better in
               Prerequisite: C or better in     much as possible to increase their   Chinese 3A/3B, or Chinese
               Chinese 1B                       confidence in applying target lan-  Heritage, or per teacher
               Duration: Year Long Course       guage at home, at school, and in   placement
               Credit: 10 Units                 the community.                   Duration: Year Long Course
                                                                                 Credit: 10 Units
               This course further develops the   AP CHINESE NATIVE A/B
               basic skills acquired in Chinese 1.   Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12       Advanced placement Chinese uses
               This course focuses more on com-  Prerequisite: Speaks Chinese    an integrated approach to lan-
               munication, comprehension and    at home                          guage learning. Course materials
               production. Materials and lectures   Duration: Year Long Course   include authentic materials: radio
               are often presented only in the tar-  Credit: 10 units            broadcasts, newspaper, websites
               get language.                                                     and literary works. Language and
                                                                                 culture are taught simultaneously
                                                This course is designed for stu-
               CHINESE 3A/3B                    dents who have grown up speaking   through the use of these materials.
               Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12            Chinese as a home language, who   Students will be required to pre-
                                                                                 pare oral presentations, work on in-
               Prerequisite: C or better in     speak fluently, but do not read or   dividual and group projects, and re-
               Chinese 2B                       write characters. This course will   search a variety of teacher and stu-
               Duration: Year Long Course       focus on developing reading and   dent selected topics. Class will be
               Credit: 10 Units                 writing skills as well as maintaining   conducted entirely in Mandarin Chi-
                                                and strengthening the strong oral   nese and students are expected to
                                                and listening skills acquired at   communicate entirely in Mandarin
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