Page 14 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 14

Chinese as well. Students will be   and painting mediums and tech-  This course explores graphic com-
               given the option to read and write   niques. Students will explore prob-  munication from idea development
               in either simplified or traditional   lems in representation and inter-  through the final execution of a
               characters.                      preta- tion leading to individual ex-  print worthy design. Through the
                                                pression and a strong use of the   understanding of the elements of
                                                principles of composi- tion. Projects   art and principles of design as well
               FINE ARTS:                       may include watercolor, oil, acrylic,   as the creative process, students
                                                                                 will be encouraged to explore the
                                                charcoal, scratch board, pencil,
               VISUAL ARTS 1A/1B                and ink. The expression of artists   graphic arts using their own crea-
               Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12            past and present will be presented.   tive potential that combines art and
               Duration: Year Long Course       The individual student may pursue   technology to communicate ideas.
               Credit: 10 Units                 mediums and techniques at a more   Using professional grade software
                                                personal level, while developing a   such as Adobe and Microsoft, stu-
               In this course, students will use a   more academic understand- ing of   dents will produce projects such as
               wide variety of art media and tech-  traditional and contemporary ex-  digital drawings, logos, advertise-
               niques, and learn the basic ele-  pression. Students will be expected   ments, posters, letterheads, and
               ments of two-dimensional and     to produce a quantity and quality of   more.
               three-dimensional design as they   work respective to their level of
               relate to individual expression.   achievement. Students will main-  This course meets the District Fine
                                                tain a portfolio that will include a   Arts graduation requirement as well
               VISUAL ARTS 2A/2B                journal, sketches, and other perti-  as the UC/State College “F” re-
                                                nent works of art.
               Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12                                             quirement for acceptance.
               Duration: Year Long Course
               Credit: 10 Units                 DRAWING AND PAINTING             GRAPHIC DESIGN 2A/2B
                                                2A/2B                            Grades: 10, 11, 12
                                                Grades: 10, 11, 12               Duration: Year Long Course
               This course is designed for stu-  Duration: Year Long Course
               dents interested in increasing skills                             Credit: 10 Units
               and understanding art techniques   Credit: 10 Units
               and media. Necessary skills will be                               This is an advanced course and
               emphasized to provide the student   In Drawing and Painting 2, stu-  provides continued study of the el-
               with a perceptual base leading to   dents will build on concepts   ements of art and the principles of
               understanding artistic perception,   learned through Drawing and   design as they pertain to the crea-
               creative expression, historical and   Painting 1 to make original art   tive process. Further exploration of
               cultural context(s); aesthetic valu-  based on personal choices, subject   a variety of technical, communica-
               ing and connections, relations, and   matter, and themes to construct a   tion, and artistic skills both with and
               applications of the visual arts. De-  comprehensive art portfolio. Stu-  without the use of a computer will
               sign, painting, drawing, graphic   dents will exhibit a deeper refine-  give students the necessary experi
               arts, sculpture, and art appreciation   ment of artistic skills and ideas and   ence required for potential employ-
               will be among areas of study. Pro-  demonstrate the artistic skills and   ment in the graphic design indus-
               jects will be assigned to encourage   ideas they have developed, re-  try. As students gain proficiency,
               a higher level of individual creativity   fined, and applied. Students will ex-  they will be given the opportunity to
               and craftsmanship. The art ele-  plore a variety of materials and me-  design and produce logos, bro-
               ments and principles of design   diums to achieve desired results of   chures, posters, mailers, etc. for
               serve as a foundation for each unit   art pieces. Students will focus on   various groups on campus such as
               covered. Selected historical or cul-  presenta- tions of work, artist state-  administration, choir, band, drama,
               tural contexts will be applied with   ments, selection process of pieces   etc.
               attention to analysis, interpretation,   to a portfolio, and critical analysis
               and judgment of student work, as   of work. Assessments will include   This course meets the District Fine
               well as appreciation of art work   self-assessment and reflec- tion,   Arts graduation require- ment as
               from other cultures and times. Stu-  peer-assessment and partner work,   well as the UC/State College “F”
               dents will maintain a portfolio that   collaborative assessments in small   requirement for acceptance.
               will include a journal, sketches, and   groups, class critiques, gallery
               other pertinent works of art.    walks, and teacher assessment    GRAPHIC DESIGN YEAR-
                                                and conferencing. Students will   BOOK 1A/1B
               DRAWING AND PAINTING             also participate in gallery shows   Grades: 10, 11, 12
               1A/1B                            featured at school and in local gal-  Duration: Year Long Course
                                                leries and will participate in local
               Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12            contests and shows throughout the   Credit: 10 Units
               Duration: Year Long Course       school year.
               Credit: 10 Units                                                  This course is designed with the
                                                GRAPHIC DESIGN 1A/1B             primary function of producing a
               This course is designed for stu-  Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12           yearbook for the total student body
               dents with advanced interest in   Duration: Year Long Course      that is well designed and complete
               learning technical skiffs in drawing                              in its presentation of the school
                                                Credit: 10 Units
                                                                                 year. Incorporating technology,
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