Page 18 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 18

BUSINESS LEADERSHIP              TECHNOLOGY APPLICA-              that allow for fundamental interac-
               1A/1B                            TIONS 2A/2B                      tions in a visual and object oriented
               Grades: 10, 11, 12               Grades: 10, 11, 12               environ- ment.
               Note: Meets articulation         Duration: Year Long Course
               agreement with Norco Col-        Credit: 10 Units                 HISTORY OF VIDEO GAMES
               lege                                                              Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
               Duration: Year Long Course       This course will provide a more in   Note: Meets articulation
               Credit: 10 Units                 depth knowledge of computers and   agreement with Norco Col-
                                                Microsoft Office, building upon   lege
               This course provides business    skills learned in 1A/1B. Students   Duration: Semester Long
               management concepts and princi-  will be involved in the use of appli-  Course
               ples in realistic, investigative, and   cations software, programming,   Credit: 5 Units
               an enriching manner. All the func-  hardware, keyboarding and com-
               tions of business management are   puter information systems. Empha-  This course is a comprehensive
               covered extensively, including the   sis will be placed on Excel, Word,   study of the evolution of video
               use of technology and communica-  Power Point, Access, Publisher,   games throughout history including
               tion as tools of business. This   and Outlook. Students will be given   arcade games, console games,
               course is designed to make stu-  the opportunity to receive the IC3   computer games, and mobile appli-
               dents aware of the concepts and   (Internet & Computing Core) Certi-  cations. Students will become ac-
               skills required for success in to-  fication, in addition to various Mi-  quainted with representative game
               day’s marketplace. This course   crosoft Office 2010 certifications,   designs through analyzing, creat-
               provides a wealth of practical appli-  pending funding of the certification   ing, playing games, and reading
               cations that will connect you to ex-  and testing materials. This course   and writing about games. The
               plore foundations of business oper-  is designed to enhance student’s   course content will give students a
               ations while topics such as ethics,   computer literacy skills, preparing   history of gaming that will prove
               economics, career planning, and   them to be career and college   useful in the study games and sim-
               technology take you beyond the   ready.                           ulations development. Completion
               basics. Activities encourage career                               of this course, with a “B” or higher,
               and college planning: prepare stu-  INTRO TO HEALTH CA-           will result in articulated college
               dents for post-secondary business   REERS 1A                      credit with RCC-Norco College,
               courses and successful participa-  Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12          pending the student’s completion of
               tion in the Future Business Leaders   Duration: Year Long Course   required application and forms.
               of America’s competitive events   Credit: 10 Units
               and projects. Team building and                                   SPORTS MEDICINE AND
               project management is integrated   This course is designed to provide   EMERGENCY MED RE-
               throughout, as well as current
               events and accountability.       students with an introduction to   SPONSE
                                                health careers and will provide   Grades: 10, 11, 12
                                                them with information to develop a   Duration: Year Long Course
               TECHNOLOGY APPLICA-              career plan. Emphasis is placed on
               TIONS 1A/1B                      the skills necessary to enter the   Credit: 10 Units
               Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12            health care field and exploration of
               Duration: Year Long Course       the many different areas within   This course will prepare students
               Credit: 10 Units                 healthcare.                      for jobs such as fitness/exercise
                                                                                 assistant, physical therapy aide, or
                                                                                 athletic trainer assistant.  Students
               This course will provide a general   INTRO TO GAME PROGRAM-       will learn anatomy and physiology,
               introduction to computers and an   ING                            body mechanics, vital signs, first
               in-depth look at Microsoft Office.   Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12        aid, nutrition, exercise physiology,
               Students will be involved in the use   Note: Meets articulation   injury care and maintenance, pa-
               of applications software, program-  agreement with Norco Col-     tient interaction skills and use of
               ming, hardware, keyboarding and   lege                            equipment and techniques to aid
               computer information systems. Em-  Duration: Semester Long        patients in rehabilitation.  Subject
               phasis will be placed on Excel,                                   to an acceptable interview with a
               Word, Power Point, Access, Pub-  Course                           cooperating employer, students will
               lisher, and Outlook. Students will   Credit: 5 Units              train at a community location such
               be given the opportunity to receive                               as hospitals, clinics, sports/fitness
               the IC3 (Internet & Computing    A first course in programming for   facilities and convalescent care to
               Core) Certification, in addition to   games stressing fundamental pro-  practice and develop skills learned
               various Microsoft Office 2010 certi-  gram- ming principles. Students   in the classroom
               fications, pending funding of the   are introduced to computer pro-
               certification and testing materials.   gramming logic with hands-on   GAME DESIGN PRINCIPLES
               This course is designed to enhance   game development projects using   1A/1B
               student’s computer literacy skills,   an industry standard game engine.
               preparing them to be career and   This course will cover the logic   Grades: 10, 11, 12
               college ready.                   structures and design paradigms
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