Page 23 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 23
Duration: Year Long Course ual Determination (A.V.I.D.) teach- AutoCAD Designer, Autovision,
Credit: 10 Units ing methods and materials are and Autosurf software. The
used. Students are helped to see students will develop three-
dimensional solid models and
themselves as potential college
This course is an A-G course in students and helped to master the produce working drawings for
which students are tutored in all ac- skills necessary to meet all require- those models. They will create the
ademic areas by college students ments for admission to college. geometry of three-dimensional
both individually and in small objects and manipulate the
groups. AVID teaching methods drawings using parametric
and materials are used with partic- STEM dimensions.
ular emphasis given to English-lan-
guage arts and mathematics. Stu-
dents are assisted with college, fi- PATHWAY
nancial aid, and scholarship appli-
cations as they work with their ELECTIVES ROBOTICS
teacher and peers to plan the final
stages of the high school/college Grades: 10-12
transition. (COLLEGE
Duration: Year Long Course
Grades: 12 Robotics for the Supply Chain and
Duration: Year Long Course AP) Manufacturing Industries. This
Credit: 10 Units course is designed for the student
who has little or no knowledge of
The AVID Senior Seminar is the 9TH GRADE STEM electronics. This is both a "What"
culmination of a student's years in TRACK is electronics and "How To Do It"
the AVID program, and the course program. The student will be
involves substantial critical reading introduced to sources of electricity
and writing, preparation for exams, INTRO TO and practical applications of
such as Advanced Placement and ENGINEERING/EXPLORING electricity and electronics. This is a
International Baccalaureate, and COMP SCI "hands-on" program in which the
weekly Socratic seminars. Stu- student will learn by doing. The
dents enrolled in the Senior Semi- Grades: 9-12 hands-on approach also teaches
nar are required to complete practical applications in
weekly timed writings and analyti- Duration: Year Long Course Mathematics, English, and Physical
cal discourses in subjects across Sciences.
the curriculum. Students are re-
quired to make oral presentations Exploring Computer Science is a AP PRINCIPLES OF
to the class on topics related to col- yearlong course consisting of 6 COMPUTER SCIENCE
lege entrance, contemporary is- units, approximately 6 weeks each.
sues, and social concerns. Senior The course was developed around Grades:10-12
Seminar students, working with tu- a framework of both computer
tors, are expected to participate in science content and computational
and eventually act as moderators practice. Assignments and Duration: Year Long Course
in Socratic Seminars. These dis- instruction are contextualized to be
cussions move beyond didactic in- socially relevant and meaningful for Advanced Placement Computer
struction and assist students in diverse students. Topics include: Science Principles is a yearlong
gaining multiple perspectives on human computer interaction, web course that is designed to be an
texts, supporting arguments with design, introduction to equivalent to a first semester
clear reasoning and evidence, and programming, computing and data college computing course.
developing their critical thinking analysis, and robotics. Consisting of 5 units,
skills to the degree necessary for approximately 6 weeks each, the
success in college. 10th GRADE STEM course is based on the
Computational Thinking
Grades: 12 Framework( Connecting
Computing, Creating
Duration: Year Long Course CAD 2 Computational Artifacts,
Credit: 10 Units Abstracting, Analyzing Problems
Grades: 10-12 and Artifacts, Communicating and
This course is an elective course in Collaborating). Topics in this
which students are tutored in all ac- Duration: Year Long Course course include but are not limited
ademic areas by college students to binary conversion, numbering
both individually and in small This course is an advanced systems, binary encoding,
groups. Advancement Via Individ- program in Computer-Aided internetworking, algorithmic
Drafting utilizing AutoCAD, thinking, cybersecurity, privacy and