Page 21 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 21
and alteration of Earth's surface. the skills they acquired in the AP Grades: 10, 11, 12
Students employ spatial concepts Seminar course by learning re- Duration: Year Long Course
and landscape analysis to examine search methodology, employing Credit: 10 Units
human social organization and its ethical research practices, and ac-
environmental consequences.They cessing, analyzing, and synthesiz- This introductory course develops
also learn about the methods and ing information. Students explore writing skills and prepares students
tools geographers use in their sci- their skill development, document
ence and practice. their processes, and curate the arti- to work on school publications
amid media staff including newspa-
facts of the development of their per, yearbook, literary magazine,
AP SEMINAR scholarly work through a process and television production. Students
Grades: 10, 11, 12 and reflection portfolio. The course will develop news, sports, feature
culminates in an academic paper of
Duration: Year Long Course 4,000–5,000 words (accompanied and editorial writing skills. Empha-
Credit: 10 Units by a performance, exhibit, or prod- sis is also given to interviewing, ad-
uct where applicable) and a vertising, copy-reading and proof-
reading, headline writing, caption
In AP Seminar, students investi- presentation with an oral defense. writing, layout and design. The stu-
gate real-world issues from multiple dent will also learn about First
perspectives, gathering and ana- UNITY Amendments rights responsibilities,
lyzing information from various Grades: 10, 11, 12 journalism law and history. In the
sources in order to develop credi- Prerequisite: Application and second semester, students focus
ble and valid evidence-based argu- upon a study of the physical make-
ments. AP Seminar is a founda- Interview up of a newspaper and the produc-
tional course that engages stu- Duration: Year Long Course tion of a club edition.
dents in cross-curricular conversa- Credit: 10 Units
tions that explore the complexities
of academic and real-world topics Unity forum is a district-wide LEADERSHIP ASB
and issues by analyzing divergent leader- ship class that confronts Grades: 10, 11, 12
perspectives. Using an inquiry the issues of stereotypes and prej- Prerequisite: Must interview,
framework, students practice read- udice on our campus and in our Officers apply through elec-
ing and analyzing articles, research communities. Student leaders work tion
studies, and foundational, literary, to create a meaningful and fun Duration: Year Long Course
and philosophical texts; listening to space for people to communicate Credit: 10 Units
and viewing speeches, broadcasts, with each other about the realities
and personal accounts; and experi- of our lives. We believe that people The ASB course emphasizes the fi-
encing artistic works and perfor- who understand each other are nancial management, planning of
mances. Students learn to synthe- able to reach across the barriers of spirit activities, formulation of regu-
size information from multiple race, class, gender, and ethnicity lations, and production of events
sources, develop their own per- that often divide us. associated with the governing of
spectives in written essays, and the student body. Students develop
design and deliver oral and visual PEER COUNSELING leadership skills and practice par-
presentations, both individually and Grades: 10, 11, 12 liamentary procedures in the execu
as part of a team. Ultimately, the Duration: Year Long Course tion of their leadership responsibili-
course aims to equip students with Credit: 10 Units ties.
the power to analyze and evaluate
information with accuracy and pre-
cision in order to craft and com- This course is divided into two ma- LINK CREW
municate evidence-based argu- jor training areas which include the Grades: 10, 11, 12
ments. learning of peer counseling skills Prerequisite: Application/In-
and the discussion of teen issues. structor approval
The first part covers communica-
AP RESEARCH tion, decision-making, and counsel- Duration: Year Long Course
Grades: 11, 12 ing skills. Clarification of issues and Credit: 10 Units
Prerequisite: Completion of applied skills are the focus of the
AP SEMINAR second part of the course. The stu- Link crew is a transition program
Duration: Year Long Course dents are led into an examination that welcomes freshmen and
Credit: 10 Units of their values in the areas of ado- makes them feel comfortable
throughout their first year of high
lescent stress, chemical depend- school experience. Link leaders are
AP Research, the second course in ency, death, depression, family, upperclassmen who are mentors
loss, peer pressure, school-related
the AP Capstone experience, al- issues, sexuality and suicide. Spe- for freshmen students. Link leaders
lows students to deeply explore an cial expectations for this course in- lead freshmen through registration,
academic topic, problem, or issue clude a parent permission letter provide an orientation, conduct
of individual interest. Students de- and a student code of conduct presentations, and offer tutoring
sign, plan, and conduct a year-long signed by the student and a parent. throughout the year.
research-based investigation to ad-
dress a research question. RENAISSANCE
Through this inquiry, they further ELEMENTS OF JOURNALISM