Page 17 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 17

guidelines advanced placement
               AP DRAWING 1A/1B  (PAINT-        course requires the student to work  CAREER
               Grades: 10, 11, 12               outside of the classroom and
               Duration: Year Long Course       scheduled class time.            TECHNICAL
               Credit: 10 Units
                                                AP 3D ART 1A/1B  (CERAM-         EDUCATION
               This course is designed for the   ICS)
               highly motivated and responsible   Grades: 11, 12                 (CTE) ELEC-
               student interested in the serious   Duration: Year Long Course
               study of art. It will provide an inten-  Credit: 10 Units
               sive examination of the process                                   TIVES:
               and content of visual expression   This course is designed for the
               through two-dimensional and three-  highly motivated and responsible
               dimensional works. Emphasis is   student interested in the serious   MONEY MANAGEMENT
               placed on the quality, concentra-  study of art. Students will use ele-  Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
               tion, and breadth of the student's   ments of art and principles of de-  Duration: Semester Long
               production and experiences. The   sign to create and support their   Course
               goal of this course is the comple-  ideas and demonstrate under-  Credit: 5 units
               tion of a portfolio of artwork, which   standing of design principles as ap-
               has been produced by the student,   plied to a 3-D surface whether
               the majority of which has been pro-  physical or virtual. It will provide an   This course will inform students
               duced this year, for evaluation at   intensive examination of the pro-  how individual choices directly in-
                                                                                 fluence occupational goals and fu-
               the end of the year by a group of   cess and content of visual expres-
               artists and teachers. This ad-   sion through three-dimensional   ture earnings potential.  Real-world
               vanced placement course requires   works. Emphasis is placed on the   topics covered will include income,
                                                                                 money management, spending,
               the student to work outside of the   quality, concentration, and breadth
               classroom and scheduled class    of the student's production and ex-  and credit, as well as saving and
               time.                            periences. The goal of this course   investing.  Students will design per-
                                                                                 sonal and household budgets utiliz-
                                                is the comple- tion of a portfolio of   ing checking and saving accounts,
               AP 2D ART 1A/1B  (GRAPHIC        artwork produced by the student in   gain knowledge in finance, debt,
               DESIGN/PHOTO)                    any three-dimensional process or   and credit management, and evalu-
               Grades: 11, 12                   medium, including, but not limited   ate and understand insurance and
               Duration: Year Long Course       to: figurative and non-figura- tive   taxes.  This course will provide a
               Credit: 10 Units                 sculpture, architectural models,   foundational understanding for
                                                metal work, ceramics, three-dimen-   making informed personal financial
                                                sional fiber arts/fashion, jewelry
               This course is designed for the   and body adornment, and time-   decisions leading to financial inde-
               highly motivated and responsible   based media. The portfolio, of   pendence.
               student interested in the serious   which the majority has been pro-
               study of art. Students will use ele-  duced this year, will be completed   INTRO TO BUSINESS 1A/1B
               ments of art and principles of de-  for evaluation in alignment with   Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
               sign to create and support their   College Board guide- lines. This   Note: Meets articulation
               ideas and demonstrate under-     advanced placement course re-    agreement with Norco Col-
               standing of design principles as ap-  quires the student to work outside   lege
               plied to a 2-D surface whether   of the classroom and scheduled
               physical or virtual. It will provide an   class time.             Duration: Year Long Course
               intensive examination of the pro-                                 Credit: 10 Units
               cess and content of visual expres-  AP ART HISTORY 1A/1B
               sion through two-dimensional                                      This course is designed to make
               works. Emphasis is placed on the   Grades: 10, 11, 12             students aware of the concepts
               quality, concentration, and breadth   Duration: Year Long Course   and skills required for success in
               of the student's production and ex-  Credit: 10 Units             today’s marketplace. This course
               periences. The goal of this course                                provides a wealth of practical appli-
               is the comple- tion of a portfolio of   This course is a one-year course   cations that will connect you to the
               artwork produced by the student in   designed to provide the same in-  business world. Extensive cover-
               any two-dimensional process or   struction as an introductory college   age of finance, marketing, produc-
               medium, including, but not limited   course in art history: an aesthetic   tion and management allows you to
               to: graphic design, digital imaging,   appreciation of architecture, sculp-  explore foundations of business
               photography, collage, fabric de-  ture, painting and other art forms   operations while topics such as
               sign, weaving, fashion design, illus-  within historical and cultural con-  ethics, economics, career planning,
               tration, painting, printmaking, and   texts. Students are encouraged to   and technology take you beyond
               still images from videos or films,   prepare for the Advanced Place-  the basics. This course also helps
               etc. The portfolio, of which the ma-  ment Examination in Art History.   prepare you for internships, com-
               jority has been produced this year,                               petitive events and other career op-
               will be completed for evaluation in                               portunities.
               alignment with College Board
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