Page 12 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 12
WORLD LAN- ing skills introduced through Span- Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
ish 2A-2B. This course will be con-
Prerequisite: Identified as
ducted in Spanish only as a means Spanish Heritage Speaking
GUAGES: of further developing listening and Student
speaking skills. Literature will be in- Duration: Year Long Course
SPANISH 1A/1B troduced as a means of integrating Credit: 10 units
all grammatical principles and
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 tenses. This course is communica-
Duration: Year Long Course tion based and emphasizes collab- This course is designed for stu-
Credit: 10 Units orative and communicative activi- dents who have proficient Spanish
ties within the areas of listening, listening and speaking skills. The
This course is designed to develop speaking, reading, writing, culture, development of vocabulary and
the language skills of listening, and learning skills. critical thinking skills based on liter-
speaking, reading, and writing. Em- ature will be emphasized and en-
phasis will be placed on listening SPANISH 3A/3B HONORS hanced. This course is intended for
and speaking activities and upon Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 the Heritage Spanish speaker who
the grammatical principles of the Prerequisite: B or better in needs to improve their proficient
present tense through written exer- Spanish 2B skills of reading, writing and speak-
cises. Cultural topics will also be in- Duration: Year Long Course ing in Spanish.
troduced. Simple directions and
survival expressions will be used in Credit: 10 Units SPANISH 3A/3B HERITAGE
place of English. This course is HONORS
communication based and empha- Spanish 3A-3B Honors/Pre-AP is Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
sizes collaborative and communi- designed to prepare students for Prerequisite: Identified as
cative activities within the areas of the rigor of the 4th year Advanced Spanish Heritage Student
listening, speaking, reading, writ- Placement Course and to satisfy Duration: Year Long Course
ing, culture, and learning skills. the California World Language
Standards for Level 3. Listening, Credit: 10 units
speaking, reading and writing skills
are equally emphasized. Gram- This course is designed for stu-
matical skills and vocabulary devel- dents who have advanced Spanish
SPANISH 2A/2B opment are enhanced through liter- listening and speaking skills. This
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 ature, compositions, reports, es- course is intended for the Heritage
Prerequisite: C or better in says and debates. This course is Spanish speaker who needs to im-
Spanish 1B conducted exclusively in Spanish prove their advanced skills of read-
Duration: Year Long Course and is communication based. It ing, writing and speaking in Span-
Credit: 10 Units emphasizes collaborative and com- ish.
municative activities within the ar-
eas of listening, speaking, reading, AP SPANISH LANGUAGE &
This course will further develop lis- writing, and culture.
tening and speaking skills. The pre- CULTURE 1A/1B
sent tense will be reviewed and the Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
preterite and imperfect tenses will Prerequisite: C or better in
be introduced. This course is con- Spanish 3B
ducted in Spanish. Students are Duration: Year Long Course
encouraged to participate in Span- Credit: 10 Units
ish at all times. This course is de-
signed to further the students cul- SPANISH 1A/1B HERITAGE
tural awareness. This course is Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 This course is designed to conform
communication based and empha- Prerequisite: Identified as with the general standards of the
sizes collaborative and communi- Spanish Heritage Speaking Advanced Placement pro-
gram. Listening, speaking, read-
cative activities within the areas of Student
listening, speaking, reading, writ- ing, and writing skills will be refined
ing, culture, and learning skills. Duration: Year Long Course through the intensive study of liter-
Credit: 10 Units ary and practical Spanish written
SPANISH 3A/3B material. Grammatical skills and
vocabulary development will be en-
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 This course is designed to meet hanced through compositions, re-
Prerequisite: C or better in the needs of the Heritage Spanish ports, essays, and debates. The
speaking student who can under-
Spanish 2B stand most spoken Spanish. This course will also prepare the student
Duration: Year Long Course course is intended for the Heritage for a rigorous exam in the spring
Credit: 10 Units Spanish speaker who needs to im- which may result in the awarding of
prove the basic skills of reading, college credit. This course is com-
This course is designed as a com- writing and speaking in Spanish. munication based and emphasizes
prehensive review of Spanish lis- collaborative and communicative
tening, speaking, reading, and writ- SPANISH 2A/2B HERITAGE