Page 15 - 2022 Course Selection
P. 15
writing, photography, typography, students how they can create and Students explore the range of tech-
desktop publishing, and the basic manipulate images to express nical possibilities in editing. Em-
elements of art and principles of them- selves and influence others. phasis is placed on media ethics
design, students will use their own and production content. Critical
creative potential to combine art DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY thinking skills are developed
and technology to communi- cate 2A/2B through analysis of films, commer-
ideas. Students are encouraged to Grades:10, 11, 12 cials, and documentaries.
develop leadership skills as they Duration: Year Long Course
work together, help one another, THEATRE PRODUCTION
and achieve planned goals ena- Credit: 10 Units 1A/1B
bling them to create and publish a Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
quality product. This is an advanced course using
DSLR cameras with emphasis on Duration: Year Long Course
CERAMICS 1A/1B Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and Credit: 10 Units
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Premier Pro Programs, advanced
Duration: Year Long Course compositing and manipulation, This course introduces the student
lighting controls and camera opera-
to all phases of theatre production
Credit: 10 Units tion. Students will gain knowledge in an activity/workshop class set-
in career paths of portraiture, prod- ting. This course offers the serious
This course introduces the clay uct, and documentary photography theatre art student an opportunity
medium, its qualities and potential. with emphasis on the creation of an to explore and apply all phases of
Students will explore hand-built advanced portfolio. Concepts and the production process. Practical
and wheel-thrown construction experience in Fine Art Photography performance skills will be empha-
techniques, glazing, and surface such as architectural, food, fashion, sized: theatre of varied cultures,
decoration. Students will gain an scientific, sports, travel, and land- historical theatre literature, audition
understanding of the elements and scape/- nature photography. work practices, theatre management, re-
principles of two-and-three-dimen- flow, business practices and inter- hearsal techniques, aesthetic per-
sional design as they solve prob- action with printing agencies will be ception, and survey of technical
lems in construction and decorating introduced. crafts. This course is designed to
processes. Students will develop meet the needs of highly motivated
aesthetic percep- tions by using VIDEO PRODUCTION 1A/1B theatre students.
critical thinking skills, such as ob- Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
servation, discrimination, compari- Duration: Year Long Course THEATRE ARTS 1A/1B
son, contrast, and imagination. Stu- Credit: 10 Units Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
dents will maintain a portfolio that Duration: Year Long Course
will include a journal, sketches, and Credit: 10 Units
other pertinent works of art. This course introduces students to
basic video production techniques, This course provides the student
CERAMICS 2A/2B concepts and skills. The primary fo- with an orientation to the theatre
cus will be to develop camera skills
Grades: 10, 11, 12 and familiarity with fundamental arts, including pantomime, rhythm
Duration: Year Long Course composi- tional structures resulting and movement, improvisation,
Credit: 10 Units in an ability to manipulate video dramatization, and creative expres-
space and time and create realistic sion.
This course is a continuation of Ce- effects for the viewer. In-camera
ramics 1A/1B. Students continue to editing will be required. Basic light- THEATRE ARTS 2A/B
refine their construction, glazing, ing and audio techniques as well Grades: 10, 11, 12
and decoration techniques. as theatrics will be introduced. The Duration: Year Long Course
importance of organizational skills Credit: 10 Units
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY and life-skills in creating successful
1A/1B video will be stressed. The stu- This course enriches student profi-
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 dents will be exposed to the history ciency in advanced theatre tech-
of the video media, discuss its role
Duration: Year Long Course and responsibili- ties, and debate niques, character analysis, and
Credit: 10 Units issues related to video and the me- scripted performances. Students
dia. Students will also explore ca- explore play writing and analysis.
This is an introductory course in reer opportunities.
digital photography. The initial fo- CONCERT BAND 1A/1B
cus is on the camera and the ability TV PRODUCTION 1A/1B Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
to see and express an idea or mes- Grades: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Instructor Ap-
sage through a photographic im- proval
age. The second part of the class Duration: Year Long Course Duration: Year Long Course
focuses on the computer, digital Credit: 10 Units Credit: 10 Units
manipulation, output, and display.
The historical development of pho- This course is an introductory
tography and its impact on culture course to Television Production. This course introduces the music
are stressed in addition to showing student to standard concert band