Page 10 - 2022 Course Selection
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incoming juniors/seniors and     environmental quality, and global   class. It covers Newtonian me-
               consultation with current sci-   policies regarding the environment.   chanics, work and energy, momen-
               ence teacher                                                      tum, mechanical waves and sound,
               Duration: Year Long Course       PHYSICS 1A/1B                    and simple circuits. 25% of the in-
               Credit: 10 Units                 Grades: 11, 12                   structional time is spent on hands-
                                                                                 on laboratory work, with an empha-
                                                Prerequisite: Completed          sis on inquiry-based investigations
               This course is a college prepara-  Chemistry                      that provide students with opportu-
               tory course in physical sci-     Duraton: Year Long Course        nities to apply the science prac-
               ence.  Topics include the applica-  Credit: 10 Units              tices.
               tion of metric measurement, the
               properties of matter, families of   This course is a college prepara-  ASTRONOMY 1A/1B
               chemical elements, chemical      tory course in conceptual physics.
               change, techniques employed in   It is offered to students who are in-  Grades: 11, 12
               the manipulation of chemical data,   terested in pursuing careers in the   Duration: Year Long Course
               and the role chemistry plays in   health and life sciences. The major   Credit: 10 Units
               modern society.  Laboratory activi-  emphasis is concept development
               ties are designed to provide stu-  through laboratory experiences and   This course is a practical survey
               dents with creative problem-solving   concept reinforcement through ap-  course in which students learn
               experiences.  Individual and group   plication activities.        about ancient, classical, and mod-
               investigations in the library and in                              ern astronomy and cosmology;
               the laboratory will stress the rela-  AP PHYSICS C: MECHANICS     construct their own simple instru-
               tionship between science, technol-                                ments, and learn observational
               ogy, and society.                1A/1B                            techniques using binoculars, tele-
                                                Grades: 11                       scopes, and the naked eye. The
                                                Prerequisite: Concurrent en-
               AP CHEMISTRY 1A/1B                                                program of observation will include
               Grades: 10, 11, 12               rollment in Calculus BC, De-     lunar phases and mapping; map-
                                                signed for engineering and
               Prerequisite: A in Chemistry                                      ping the planets their motions, star
                                                                                 mapping and observation; and ob-
               or A-B in Chemistry Honors       math majors                      serving deep-sky objects such as
                                                Duration: Year Long Course
               Duration: Year Long Course                                        galaxies and nebula. Classroom
               Credit: 10 units                 Credit: 10 units                 study will include early astronomy,
                                                                                 orbits and gravitation, structure of
               This course is designed to meet all   This course will take students   the solar system and types of plan-
               of the requirements of the Ad-   through a second year of physics   ets, satellites, rings, comets, mete-
               vanced Placement Program.  The   and prepare them to take the AP   ors, and asteroids, structures and
               course will cover atomic structure   Physics C examination.  Students   evolution of stars and galaxies, and
               and the interactions of combining   will investigate topics in kinematics,   cosmology.
               atoms.  Also covered will be the ar-  Newton's laws, work, energy,
               eas of stoichiometry, equation bal-  power, momentum, circular motion,   ANATOMY AND PHYSIOL-
               ancing, problem solving, the states   oscillatory motion, electricity, and   OGY 1A/1B
               of matter, oxidation-reduction reac-  magnetism.  Problem solving will   Grades: 11, 12
               tions, periodicity of the elements,   emphasize the use of calculus.  A   Prerequisite: ELECTIVE, can-
               bonding, basic organic chemistry,   "hands-on" lab approach will be in-
               and environmental chemistry and   corporated to introduce students to   not be sole science for jun-
               its impact on the ecology.  The cur-  laboratory techniques necessary to   iors
               riculum is designed to prepare the   succeed at the collegiate    Duration: Year Long Course
               student for a rigorous exam which   level.  Special projects are included   Credit: 10 Units
               may result in the awarding of col-  to give students direction over their
               lege credit.                     own study of physics.            This course in the life sciences is
                                                                                 designed to prepare students for
               AP ENVIRONMENTAL SCI-            AP PHYSICS 1 1A/1B               the college study of biology. The
               ENCE 1A/1B                       Grades: 11-12                    course focuses on cell physiology,
               Grades: 11,12                    Prerequisite: A in Chemistry,    tissue structure and function, hu-
               Prerequisite: A-C in Chemis-     or A-C in Honors Chemistry,      man organ systems, health issues,
               try and Biology                  NOT FOR STUDENTS WHO             and a survey of technological ad-
                                                                                 vancements in the field of medi-
               Duration: Year Long Course       HAVE ALREADY TAKEN               cine. Laboratory activities center
               Credit: 10 units                 PHYSICS                          around vertebrate dissections.
                                                Duration: Year Long Course
               In this course topics will include   Credit: 10 units
               global environmental modeling, the
               cycling of matter and energy, hu-  AP Physics 1 is based on the Col-
               man population dynamics, renewa-  lege Board's Advanced Placement
               ble and nonrenewable resources,   Standards. It is an algebra-based,
                                                college level introductory physics   ZOOLOGY 1A/1B
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