Page 5 - 2022 Course Selection
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Standards, addresses critical read-  of periods, disciplines, and rhetori-  understanding of linear functions
               ing and writing problems identified   cal contexts, and in becoming   and their applications. The critical
               by the CSU English Placement     skilled writers who compose for a   topics of study deepen and extend
               Test Committee and prepares stu-  variety of purposes. Students will   understanding of linear relation-
               dents to meet the expectations of   learn how to understand and evalu-  ships, in part by contrasting them
               college and university faculty. Or-  ate works of fiction, poetry, and   with exponential phenomena, and
               ganized into 10 modules and 2 fic-  drama from various periods and   in part by applying linear models to
               tion novels, based mainly on non-  cultures. You’ll read literary works   data that exhibit a linear trend.
               fiction texts, emphasizes the in-  and write essays to explain and   Mathematics I uses properties and
               depth study of expository, analyti-  support your analysis of them. Both   theorems involving congruent fig-
               cal and argumentative reading and   their writing and their reading   ures to deepen and extend under-
               writing. ERWC is approved by Uni-  should make students aware of the   standing of geometric knowledge
               versity of California area “b” credit   interactions among a writer's pur-  from prior grades. This course will
               (“a-g” requirements), and meets   poses, audience expectations, and   introduce students to theoretical
               college preparatory requirements   subjects as well as the way generic   knowledge as well as applications
               for the UC and CSU.              conventions and the resources of   where they will be able to transfer
                                                language contribute to effective-  their knowledge toward problem
               Social Justice & Equity Hon-     ness in writing. This course pre-  solving.
               ors 1A/1B                        pares students to pass the AP Eng-
               Grade: 12                        lish Language and Composition    INTEGRATED MATH 1A/1B
               Duration: Year Long Course                                        ENHANCED
               Credit: 10 units                                                  Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
                                                AP ENGLISH LANGUAGE              Duration: Year Long Course
                                                AND COMPOSITION 1A/1B
               The primary aim for this course is to un-                         Credit: 10 units
               pack students’ understanding of the   Grade: 12
               power dynamics that lie within various   Prerequisite: Admission into   In this course, students will review,
               social oppressions through a careful   the Honors Program         make connections, and further de-
               and critical analysis of both non-fiction   Duration: Year Long Course   velop skills learned in middle
               and fiction texts, surveying selected
               20th and 21st century works from au-  Credit: 10 units            school mathematics.  The funda-
               thors of historically marginalized cul-                           mental purpose of Mathematics I is
               tures.  Students will examine the social   This course is focused on the prep-  to formalize and extend students'
               structures and social contexts that influ-  aration of students for college-level   understanding of linear functions
               ence current psychological and behav-  literature and writing courses. This   and their applications. The critical
               ioral approaches within society.  Specif-                         topics of study deepen and extend
               ically, this course aims to hone previ-  course involves college level read-  understanding of linear relation-
               ously learned literacy skills in the man-  ing material and subject matter re-
               ner to elevate, broaden, and critically   quiring additional time in outside   ships, in part by contrasting them
               analyze social discourse and liter-  student preparation. Students will   with exponential phenomena, and
               acy.  While analyzing, writing, and read-  learn about the elements of argu-  in part by applying linear models to
               ing course materials, an inquiry-based   ment and composition as you de-  data that exhibit a linear trend.
               learning method seeks to bridge stu-  velop your critical-reading and writ-  Mathematics I uses properties and
               dents’ current approaches to global citi-  ing skills. You’ll read and analyze   theorems involving congruent fig-
               zenry with a just, equitable, and social   nonfiction works from various peri-  ures to deepen and extend under-
               justice literacy. In the effort to graduate                       standing of geometric knowledge
               students with a logic-based approach to   ods and write essays with different
               the complex subject matter, the ra-  aims: for example, to explain an   from prior grades.  This course will
               tionale of this course is to cultivate and   idea, argue a point, or persuade   introduce students to theoretical
               hone students’ analytical approach in   your reader of something.The   knowledge as well as applications
               an objective manner that aims to   course will include preparation for   where they will be able to transfer
               broaden perspective through critical   the Advanced Placement test.   their knowledge toward problem
               thinking and progressive discourse.                               solving.
               This course meets the 4th year ELA
               course requirement for gradua-   MATHEMATICS:
               tion.  This is an HONORS                                          INTEGRATED MATH 2A/2B
               course.  Pending A-G.                                             Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
                                                INTEGRATED MATH 1A/1B            Prerequisite: Passing Grade
               AP ENGLISH LITERATURE            Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12            in Integrated Math 1A/1B
               AND COMPOSITION 1A/1B            Duration: Year Long Course       Duration: Year Long Course
               Grade: 11                        Credit: 10 Units                 Credit: 10 Units
               Prerequisite: Admission into
               the Honors Program                                                The focus of Integrated Math 2 is a
               Duration: Year Long Course       In this course, students will review,   continuation to formalize the math-
               Credit: 10 units                 make connections, and further de-  emat- ics learned in Integrated
                                                velop skills learned in middle   Math 1 and includes standards
                                                school mathe- matics. The funda-
               This course in composition en-   mental purpose of Mathematics I is   from the conceptual categories of
               gages students in becoming skilled   to formalize and extend students'   Number and Quantity, Algebra,
               readers of prose written in a variety
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