Page 18 - INWARD TRANSFORMATON - Tom Hendershot
P. 18
thought patterns of the flesh and the world (under
the devil's influence). If we present ourselves to God,
He will bring transformation through the renewing of
our minds.
“Therefore lay aside all filthiness and remaining
wickedness and receive with meekness the engrafted
word, which is able to save your souls.”
James 1:21
In what ways do I acknowledge God moving me
away from my worldly thinking and acting to His
thoughts and ways?
Paul to Titus, "This is a faithful saying, and these
things I want you constantly to affirm,…” Titus 3:8a
The Holy Spirit renews. He is God’s agent of
renewal. He reforms and transforms us. His primary
tool is the Word of God. He uses the Truth to reset
our thinking away from the flesh, the world, and the
devil and to conform it to the mind of Christ. As we
cooperate with Him, the results are fantastic.
For the next several days, we will work on one
primary method God uses to bring renewal to our
minds. I call it “Transformation through Biblical
Affirmation.” Or simply, “Transformation by the
Affirmation of the Truth.” Our minds are renewed as
we continually affirm the Truth. We affirm the Truth
through our thoughts, words, and actions. It is a
process. It takes time and commitment.
We have the power of choice. If we choose
righteousness, God affirms our choices. He
empowers us. If we allow our thoughts to run wild,
we will say and do things contrary to God’s perfect
will for us. He encourages us to make the right