Page 17 - INWARD TRANSFORMATON - Tom Hendershot
P. 17


              souls.  It  is  ongoing.  It  is  in  a  progressive  state  of
              renewal in this life.
                  As  for  our  bodies,  although  blessed  by  many
              benefits in the New Covenant, our bodies still look
              ahead  unto  the  bodily  resurrection.  There  is  yet
              ahead of us a definite future sense to this. We await
              the final transformation of our bodies.
                  The spirit was immediately changed when Christ
              came in. The soul is being saved. The body is blessed
              but awaits its final transformation.
                  “ 23  May  the  very  God  of  peace  sanctify  you
              completely. And I pray to God that your whole spirit,
              soul,  and  body  be  preserved  blameless  unto  the
              coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  24  Faithful is He who
              calls you, who also will do it.”
                                                        1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
                  How does my acknowledging that I am saved, I am
              being saved, and I will be saved help me understand
              and accept God’s work in my life?

              DAY NINE:

                         THE SAVING OF THE SOUL

                  The  process  of  the  renewal  of  our  minds  is
              ongoing.  It  requires  learning  God’s  ways  and
              thoughts. It involves hearing, receiving, and applying
              the  Truth.  It  means  a  reformation  away  from  the
              world's  thought  patterns  and  embracing  and
              applying God’s thoughts and ways. The Holy Spirit
              gradually  reforms  our  minds  as  we  continuously
              affirm the Truth we receive from the Word and walk
              in it. God renews our thinking moving us away from
              worldly  patterns  to  His  ways,  the  demands  of  the
              flesh, and the devil's lies.
                  Most change does not happen automatically. We
              play  a  substantial  part  in  our  transformation.  We
              must commit to applying the Truth and changing the

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