Page 24 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 24

24A                         December 2021                                                                  JEWISH INTEREST

                                                                                K’zohar Ha-Ivrit                                                        Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old

          Dermatology by Newman                                                 Yayin – Wine                                                            Our immigrant relatives brought “Happy Sylvester”
   Dermatology by Newman                                                        By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin

                                                                                       few weeks ago, Israeli archae-  “destroys  the  mind”  and  directs  “a  to Israel
                                                                                       ologists discovered in Yavneh,   lecherous  impulse”  which  makes  one  By Rabbi Barbara Aiello
        For clear, healthy skin, visit Dr. Joshua Newman at AMARA,              A town  in  southern  Israel,  a      go wrong. (4:11-12)
        For clear, healthy skin, visit Dr. Joshua Newman
         an affiliate aesthetic surgery and dermatology practice of             huge 1,500-year-old winemaking com-       On the other hand, many times in
          at AMARA, an affiliate aesthetic surgery and
       Center For Sight. Patients who visit AMARA will receive the
                                                                                plex, which was capable of producing
 For clear, healthy skin, visit Dr. Joshua Newman at AMARA,                                                           the Text, yayin is described as a drink
            dermatology practice of Center For Sight.
         world-class service for which Center For Sight is known,
  an affiliate aesthetic surgery and dermatology practice of                                       two million liters   which “cheers the heart of men.” (Ps.
            Patients who visit AMARA will receive the
                                                                                                                      104:15)  And  thus,  the  wise  advised,
                                                                                                   of  quality  wine
                         in a serene, modern setting.
 Center For Sight. Patients who visit AMARA will receive the                                       a  year.  This  dis-  “Go  eat  your  bread  in  gladness  and

         world-class service for which Center For Sight
           Receive expert diagnosis and treatment for:
  world-class service for which Center For Sight is known,                                         covery  is  evi-   drink your wine in joy.” (Ec. 9:7)
               is known, in a serene, modern setting.
                                                                                                                          The  gefen,  the  “grapevine”  that
                                                                                                   dence  that  Israel
                Skin Cancer  •  Skin Growths  •  Skin Disease
                      in a serene, modern setting.                                                 was  one  of  the   produces the fruit out of which yayin is
                         Mohs Micrographic Surgery
         Receive expert diagnosis and treatment for:                                               major  producers   made, is listed as one of the important

     Receive expert diagnosis and treatment for:                                                   of wine in the an-  plants of the Promised Land (Dt. 8:8),
         Skin Cancer  •  Skin Growths  •  Skin Disease
                                                                                                   cient  world.  The
                                                                                                                      and the People of Israel are compared
                                Joshua M. Newman, M.D.
          Skin Cancer  •  Skin Growths  •  Skin Disease                                            literature  and  the   to it. (Ps. 80:9)
                    Mohs Micrographic Surgery
                                Medical/Surgical Dermatologist
                      Mohs Micrographic Surgery                                    Dr. Rachel Dulin  physical evidence    Moreover,  in  the  Song  of  Songs,
                                Named “Top Doctor” by                           attest to the fact that wine was a com-  the lovers compare love to good yay-
                                Castle Connolly Medical, Ltd.                   mon  refreshing  and  celebratory  liba-  in (1:4; 7:10), stating that only passion
                                                                                                                      surpasses its delights: ki tovim dodekha
                                                                                tion in ancient times. In honor of this
                                Voted “Best Dermatologist” by
                              Joshua M. Newman, M.D.                            discovery, let us look again at the He-  mi-yayin,  “your  kisses  are  more  de-
                                readers of the Sarasota Herald Tribune
                              Medical/Surgical Dermatologist                    brew word for wine, namely yayin.     lightful than wine.” (1:1)
                                                                                                                          There are a few idioms in Hebrew
                                                                                    The  etymology  of  the  word  ya-
                              Named “Top Doctor” by                             yin  is  unclear.  Some  scholars  trace   in  which  yayin  is  at  the  center.  The
                              Castle Connolly Medical, Ltd.                     it  to  the  Semitic  world,  while  others   most  well-known  one  is  the  rabbinic
                                                                                point to the Aegean culture, Asia Mi-
                                                                                                                      phrase nikh-nas yayin ya-tsa sod, liter-
                              Voted “Best Dermatologist” by                     nor  and  even  Armenia.  Interestingly,   ally, “when wine enters a secret exits.”
            •  941.263.4799                                in most languages, there is a similari-  (Eruvin 65) This expression is based in
                              readers of the Sarasota Herald Tribune
                                                                                ty in sound for the name of this drink.   Gematria,  the  Hebrew  system  which
                                                                                For example, in Akkadian the word is   assigns  a  numerical  value  to  words.
                                                                                inu; in Ethiopian it’s wayn. In Latin the   Since both yayin, ‘wine,’ and sod, ‘se-
                                                                                word is vinum; in Italian and Spanish it   cret,’ have the numerical value of 70,
                                                                                is vino. And in German and Yiddish it   the drinker is advised to beware of the
                                                                                is wein. In ancient Hebrew, the ‘w’ or   connection between the two, as exces-
                                                                                ‘v’ sound at the beginning of a word   sive drinking induces speaking, and se-
        •  941.263.4799                                    has turned into a ‘y’ and thus yayin is   crets would be revealed.
                                                                                the name of this popular drink.           This advice goes along with the an-
                                                                                    In  the  Bible,  yayin  appears  141   cient warning, “Do not be of those who
                                Looking for                                     times, stating its positive and negative   guzzle yayin.” (Prov. 23:20) In short,
                                Looking for
                                                                                                                      enjoy the yayin but drink responsibly.
                                                                                effects on the drinker. On the one hand,
                                                                                the  biblical  writers  warned  of  the  in-
                                                                                                                          The  wisdom  writer  called  yayin
                                            another way
                                            another               way           toxicating property of yayin. The writ-  “the joy of life.” (Ec. 10:9) It is not sur-
                                                                                er of Proverbs warned that “in the end
                                                                                                                      prising, therefore, that we raise a cup
                                            to advertise                        it bites like a snake, it spits like a basi-  of  yayin  every  Shabbat,  holiday  and
                                            to advertise
                                                                                                                      simchah,  reciting  the  blessing  “boreh
                                                                                lisk. Your eyes will see strange sights,
                                your business?
                                your business?                                  your heart will speak distorted things.”   pri ha-Gafen” to welcome Israel’s fes-
                                                                                                                      tivals in joy. Lechayim!
                                                                                    The  writer  of  Leviticus  instruct-
                                                                                                                      Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor
       With g   uaranteed categ        or y exclusivit    y , *                 ed the priests not to drink yayin prior   of biblical  literature at Spertus Col-
       With guaranteed category exclusivity,*
                                                                                to  entering  the  Tent  of  the  Meeting
                                                                                                                      lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct

       our twice weekly banner ads,                                             (10:9), and the prophet Hosea includes   professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
       our twice weekly banner ad
                    message out!
       get YOUR message out!                                                    yayin as part of the ills of society, as it     College in Sarasota.
                                               *We limit ads to a maximum of
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