Page 28 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 28

28A                         December 2021                                                                  JEWISH INTEREST

     Board Chair of The Florida Holocaust Museum                                                                                                        70  Miss Universe Competition to air live around
     calls out educators who delegitimize the Holocaust the world on December 12 from Eilat, Israel

          T. PETERSBURG, FL (October      Holocaust education with books deny-  can also visit our museum or utilize our   About The Florida                    EW YORK, NY (October 27,
          22, 2021) – Michael Igel, Board   ing the atrocities.                 renowned educational materials where,   Holocaust Museum                        2021)  –  The  Miss  Universe
     SChair of The Florida Holocaust          In  response  to  these  events,  Mi-  using a portion of the more than 19,000   One of the largest Holocaust museums NOrganization, the Israeli Min-
     Museum  and  Chair  of  the  Florida   chael Igel released the following state-  objects we have in our collection, we   in the country, and one of three nation-istry of Tourism and the city of Eilat
     Commissioner’s Task Force on Holo-   ment:  “There  are  two  sides  to  many   teach. It is days like this where I am   ally  accredited  Holocaust  museums,  today  announced  that  the  70   Miss
     caust  Education,  released  a  statement   stories. However, some things are not   reminded our work is not done, and I   The Florida Holocaust Museum honors  Universe  Competition  will  air  live
     strongly  denouncing  educators  who   up  for  debate.  The  Holocaust  hap-  am glad we are here.”             the memory of millions of men, wom-from Eilat, Israel, on Sunday, Decem-
     claim that there were two sides to the   pened. There can be no ‘opposing view’   As Chair of the Florida Commis-  en and children who suffered or died in  ber 12 at 7:00 p.m. EST. Israeli singer
     Holocaust.                           of a historical fact. If anyone questions   sioner’s Task Force on Holocaust Edu-  the Holocaust. The museum is dedicat-and  international  star  Noa  Kirel  will
        This comes on the heels of a twice-  the  Holocaust,  we  can  introduce  you   cation, Igel advises the Commissioner   ed to teaching members of all races and  perform at the competition.
     fired Florida principal who refused to   to people who were there. To the sur-  on issues relating to Holocaust educa-  cultures the inherent worth and dignity   “I’m so excited and honored to be
     acknowledge  the  Holocaust  as  a  his-  vivors, victims and their families, this   tion and helps to implement education-  of human life in order to prevent future  performing  at  Miss  Universe,”  said
     torical fact, and a Texas school admin-  is  personal.  You  can  hear  about  my   al standards surrounding the Holocaust   genocides. For additional information,  Kirel. “By believing in themselves and
     istrator instructing teachers to balance   grandparents.  They  were  there.  You   in the State of Florida.     please visit          fearlessly  chasing  their  dreams,  these
                                                                                                                                                        women from around the world live and
     Book review: He Lost it in the Catskills                                                                                                           breathe the values of the Miss Universe
                                                                                                                                                        Organization, and I can’t wait to share
     By Sharon Gloger Friedman, Author, Ashes                                                                                                           this  celebratory  moment  with  all  of
            e  Lost it  in  the  Catskills,  by   colony and worked as a busboy               his  fellow  waiters  and   Grossinger’s,  the  word  went  forth…  them on this incredible global stage.”
                                                                                                                                                            This  year’s  competition  will  also
            Jerry  Greenfield,  is  a  fond   and  waiter  in  several  Borscht              busboys  and,  most  of   everywhere in the green rolling coun-
     Hlook  back  at  the  last  days  of   Belt hotels over the course of                   all,  the  ripe  aromas,   tryside from Monticello to Mountain- feature two other contestants from the
     the “Borscht Belt,” the Catskills sum-  10  years.  This  story  is  based              sounds and vibrations of   dale,  from  Ellenville  to  Hurleyville,  region:  Miss  Universe  United  Arab
     mer escape for generations of Jewish   on his experiences, the friends                  the  cool  mountain  eve-  the Word went forth: “Good evening,  Emirates  and  Miss  Universe  Moroc-
                                                                                                                                                        co. This will mark the first time that a
     families.  It  was  also  the  region  that   he  found  and  the  innocence           nings.                    ladies  and  gentlemen,  dinner  is  now  delegate  from  the  United Arab  Emir-
     launched the careers of many famous   he lost coming of age in this                        The story flashes be-  being served in the main dining room.”
     comedians and singers.               legendary (and now bygone)                        tween  two  time  periods.               * * *              ates has competed in the competition.
        Although it is a work of fiction, it   region.                                      On a day in 2005, attor-      Greenfield  describes  young  Na- Additionally, Miss Universe Morocco
     is  based  on  the  author’s  experiences   Greenfield  tells  the  sto-               ney  Nathan  Kirshner  re-  than’s introduction – or initiation – into  returns to the competition for the first
                                                                                                                                                        time in over four decades.
     growing up and working in the resort   ry  of  a  young  boy’s  loss  of              turns to South Fallsburg as   this  world  of  unlimited  food  service   “Despite  the  challenges  the
     area’s bungalows and hotels. In fact, his   innocence with equal doses of humor   a world-weary adult to handle the sale   like this: “For the next two-and-a-half
     mother’s family owned a hotel called   and  nostalgia,  creating  images  in  the   of his family’s hotel (now in ruins). As   hours, Nathan found himself caught in  Covid-19 pandemic placed in our path,
     Rubel’s Mansion in the late ’30s and   reader’s mind through evocative simi-  he visits the site and sees the dilapidat-  a  dizzying  Dada-esque  nightmare  of  we knew how to maintain the balance
     early ’40s. As a child, Jerry spent all   les and metaphors. He describes the al-  ed hotel sinking slowly back into the   noise, steam, heat and the merciless ex- between  health  and  the  economy,  to
                                                                                                                                                        bring tourism back to Israel,” said Is-
     his summers at the adjoining bungalow   ways-ravenously-hungry hotel guests,   earth, memories come flooding back to   cavation of mountains of food by 256
                                                                                that day in 1965 when, as a 15-year-  people who had obviously never eaten
                                                                                old, he arrives on the bus from the city   in their lives.”
                                                    Presented by                to start his first summer’s work.         In  addition  to  that  realization,  he

                                                                                    He describes the hotels of the time   has  intriguing  conversations  with  –
                                                                                as “cruise ships on dry land… all you   and  gains  insights  from  –  the  hotel’s
                PEOPLE OF THE BOOK                                              can eat three times a day, with a mid-  social director, Morty Mishkin, whose

                                                                                night buffet on Saturday.” The                     troubling personality, bi-
                                                                                dining  rooms  were  staffed                       zarre life experience and
                                                                                mostly by college-age young                        unusual  perspective  on
       2021-22 Author Lecture Series                                            men and women, all working                         other  people  challenge
         Three December events on Zoom                                          seven days a week from July                        his youthful understand-
            October 12, 2021 – May 3, 2022
                                                                                                                                   ing – or lack of it.
                                                                                4  through Labor Day to earn
                     21 Authors • 20 Events
                                                                                                                                      His  path  to  adult-
           Wednesday, December 8                                                tuition money.                                     hood is further paved by
                                                                                    The  author  makes  clear
     10 “in-person” events (also available on Zoom)                             the paramount importance of                        Ruthie,  the  only  female
                    Ben M. Freeman                                              food to the hotel guests in de-                    dining room staffer who
                     and 10 Zoom-only events
                        Jewish Pride                                            scribing  the  daily  announce-  Jerry Greenfield  offers sympathy and un-
                                                                                                                                   derstanding  when  the
                                                                                ment  of  dinner  service.  The
                                                                                hotel’s social director, Morty Mishkin,   staff  quarters  burns  down  and  people
                                                                                has that honor.                       are lost to the flames.
            Thursday, December 16                                                              * * *                      Reading this gem of a book is to
                                                                                    (From the book:) At exactly seven   settle back and enjoy a bygone era of
                       Tracy Walder                                             o’clock, when the setting summer sun   simpler  times  and  pleasures,  whether
                                                                                was  turning  the  countryside  into  soft
                                                                                                                      or not you spent any of your summers
                   The Unexpected Spy                                           gold,  Morty  Mishkin  picked  up  the   in the Borscht Belt.
                                                                                bulbous  black  and  silver  microphone   Greenfield’s  other  books  include
                                                                                at the front desk, flipped the switch on   three  memoirs  of  the  Vietnam  War
             Tuesday, December 21                                               the public address amplifier, and with   and  two  entertaining  books  about  his
                                                                                                                      favorite  topic  –  wine.  He  is  a  wine
                                                                                grand and obvious pride, with the air
                                                                                of a man who bears the most wonder-   consultant, conducting private tastings
                     Tim Darcy Ellis                                            ful news and delights in its recitation,   and wine dinners, and staff training for

                    The Secret Diaries                                          made The Pronouncement. A great stir   restaurants.  He  resides  in  Fort  Myers
                                                                                                                      and is a board member of the Jewish
                                                                                spread  through  the  assembled  guests
                    of Juan Luis Vives                                          when  his  words  issued  from  the  an-  Federation of Lee and Charlotte Coun-
                                                                                tique  loudspeakers  mounted  on  poles   ties.
           See the article on                                                   around  the  property,  for  upon  his    Order He Lost it in the Catskills on
       pages 6A-7A  for information    Authors appearing in the monthly series   long-awaited utterance the summer of   Amazon  or  purchase  your  personally
          about these authors    of the People of the Book are members          1965 had its official beginning. At that   signed copy at
            and their books.     of the Jewish Book Council Network.            precise moment, in fact, upon that very   Sharon Gloger Friedman received

      These events are $10 each per household. Save more when                   same  instant,  Morty’s  tummler  coun-  the 2019 Next Generation Indie Book
                                                                                terparts at hotels for miles around were
                                                                                                                      Award for Historical Fiction and Solo
      you purchase a package to the entire series. For a complete               proclaiming the same words into their   Medalist,  2019 New  Apple  Summer
       schedule of events, ticket information, author bios, book                own microphones, issuing the same lit-  E-Book  for  Historical  Fiction.  For
       synopses and a 16-page brochure, visit                urgy  from  hundreds  of  loudspeakers.   more  information  about  Sharon,  visit
                                                                                At  the  palatial  Concord  and  historic
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