Page 31 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 31

COMMENTARY                                                                           December 2021                                      31A

     The powerful message

     of Chanukah                                                                                                             READ

 they felt the need to hide their Jewish      When  the  rabbis  were  instituting  4%
 identity.               From             second, until all eight candles are lit on   8
 The  survey  also  found  that  84%      the eighth night.                                                                  IT!
 were supportive of Israel, 83% consid-  the
 ered  other  Jews  extended  family  and   this mitzvah of lighting the menorah,
 56% had traveled to Israel. (Brandeis   Bimah  it was not as simple as establishing the
 Center for Human Rights under Law)       procedure as we know it, of lighting an                                          You can increase your
                                          additional candle each night. In fact, a
 ISRAEL TO DOUBLE      Rabbi Levi         serious  debate  took  place  concerning                                           brand’s exposure
 VOLUME OF WATER       Steinmetz –        the  correct  way  to  perform  the  mitz-                                            to our engaged
 SOLD TO JORDAN        Chabad of          vah. The opposing opinion was that on                                                Jewish community.
                                          the first night the full menorah should
 The  volume  of  water  that  Israel  sells   Sarasota  be kindled – all eight candles – and on

 to Jordan will double and is likely to   each subsequential night, subtract one                                                       PLACE
 reach  100  million  cubic  meters  over   hanukah, an eight-day holiday,   more.  Seven  candles  on  the  second                  YOUR AD
                                                                                                                                            R A
 the next year, following an agreement   is a festival and celebration of   night, six on the third night and so on
 signed Tuesday, October 12.  Clight.  The  mitzvah  performed   until one candle is lit on the final night                           TODAY!
 Since  the  mid-1990s,  Israel  has  throughout the festival clearly express-  of Chanukah.
 sold 50 million cubic meters of water  es this theme of light. Aside from the   The  prevailing  opinion  which  we
 annually to Jordan. Ten years ago, this  traditional jelly donuts, latkes and gelt,   now practice is to light one candle on
 amount was raised to 60 million cubic  the mitzvah at the heart of the holiday   the first night and add one more each
 meters.  is  to  light  the  menorah.  The  eight-  of the following nights. The reasoning
 Israel  has  been  selling  water  to    branch candelabra, which we light as   and logic behind it is that we strictly
 Jordan since the 1990s at the especially  the  sun  sets  each  night  of  Chanukah,   and exclusively increase when it comes   ISSUE DEADLINES
 cheap tariff of $0.04 per cubic meter,  is  in  remembrance  and  reliving  of   to matters of light, matters of holiness.
 far lower than the $2.48 rate per cubic  the menorah which stood in the Beit-   We never decrease in matters of light.   JAN. 2022 ISSUE   FEB. 2022 ISSUE   MAR. 2022 ISSUE
 meter paid by Israeli consumers.  Hamikdash – the holy temple in Jeru-  This powerful message is imbued   Dec. 3, 2021  Jan. 3, 2022  Feb. 1, 2022
 This  latest  agreement  hikes  the  salem. It was lit each day of the year.   in the lights of the menorah. Each night
 price to $0.65, which means Israel is  It was a bright time in our history. The   we  add  another  candle,  an  additional
 still  subsidizing  the  cost  of  water  for  Jewish  nation  could  practice  its  faith   flame and light to the world. The mes-
 Jordan.  openly and freely.              sage of a constant increase of light car-      Download the Media Kit at
 Israel’s Minister of Infrastructures,   In  the  second  century  BCE,  that   ries beyond Chanukah and is prevalent
 Water  and  Energy  Resources,  Karine  changed  for  the  worse.  The  Greeks   to  all  times,  places  and  people.  One   Contact us today to reserve your space!
 Elharrar,  said  the  new  “agreement  to  ruled over the holy land at the time and   small flame lit up in a dark room is so
 increase the amount of water is an un- attempted  to  force  the  Jewish  people   impactful  in  overpowering  so  much   Adam Kaplan
 equivocal statement that we want good  to  accept  the  Greek  culture  and  per-  darkness. One small, good deed or ac-
 neighborly relations.” (Guy Lieberman,  suaded them to sway from their spir-  tion, a mitzvah, a kind gesture, a posi-  941.552.6307
 Globes)  ituality and belief in G-d. Eventually,   tive encounter with another person, has

     the Maccabees, a small group of armed   a tremendous effect on the world. That
     Jews, gathered and miraculously won   addition of light is something we want
     over the mighty Greek army against all   only to increase. One candle, another
                                                                                    White supremacist
     odds. When they returned to the Holy   and  another,  constantly  adding  more   Whit    e supremacist
     Temple,  they  wished  to  rekindle  the   and more light.                     groups
     menorah, only to find one small jug of   The message of Chanukah to every      groups are the single
     oil fit to use in the temple. The small   Jew and the entire world is to add one   most dangerous
     jug  was  not  enough  for  the  menorah   more  candle,  and  bring  a  little  more
                                                                                    domestic extremist
     to  stay  lit  until  they  could  replenish   light and positivity into the world. One   domestic e   xtremist
     the stock of pure olive oil. Again, mi-  person will continue the chain on to the   threat to the nation.
 TAKE THE   whole days. That is why we celebrate   luminated, and we will once again live   – “Homeland Threat Assessment,”
     raculously, the oil stayed lit for eight
                                          next person until the entire world is il-
                                          in a time when we can light the meno-
     with delicious foods cooked in oil, but
                                                                                    DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OCTOBER 2020
                                          rah in the third temple in Jerusalem!
     mainly  by  lighting  the  menorah.  One
 NEXT STEP  candle  on  the  first  night,  two  on  the   Happy Chanukah!
       Why WE belong

 You took the first step by making a legacy commitment, and   Having experienced our
 we are eternally grateful for your help in ensuring Jewish   Federation’s evolution over
 tomorrow for our Jewish community. Now, reach out and   the years, we look forward                                                Charlottesville, VA; August 2017
 ask someone to join you.   with pride and positive                                                                                Photo by Mykal McEldowney

 Each one of us can make a difference!   anticipation for the future!               What are we doing about it?
       Patti and David Wertheimer

                                                                                    The  Robert and Esther Heller Community Relations  Committee takes
                                                                                    a firm stand against antisemitism. We use community resources and influence to
                                                                                    combat a rise in antisemitism and anti-Zionist sentiments, which often result in                                                 aggressive acts and rhetoric against Jews. Through education, advocacy, and building
                                                                                    relationships with the greater community and law enforcement, together we can
                                                                                    combat hatred, bigotry, and harassment of Jews and other minorities.

                                                                                    For more information, visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/hellercrc

 For more information, contact Gisele Pintchuck at 941.706.0029 or 
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