Page 34 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 34
34A December 2021 COMMENTARY
Will shrinking the conflict between Israel
and the Palestinians ultimately lead to peace?
By Harold M. Halpern
n last month’s article in The Jew- Bennett, oppose the creation of a Pal- the UN Relief and Works Agency for tween Israel and the Palestinians. The
ish News, I wrote that the new or estinian state in any part of the West Palestine Refugees in the Near East theory is if these steps are not taken,
I“change” government of Israel Bank. They favor annexing a large por- (UNRWA) and the U.S. Agency for Israel and the PA will remain locked
had a productive 100 days. To achieve tion of the West Bank. Meretz, a left International Development (USAID) into the status quo without hope for a
stability, the eight parties making up party in the coalition with six seats, with assurances of transparency and future with a peaceful two-state solution.
the government from the Right, Left, supports a Palestinian state based on accountability. His administration has Prime Minister Bennett has ex-
Center and Israe- the 1967 lines separating Israel from resumed meetings with the Palestinian pressed the desire for the Palestinians to
li Arab decided the West Bank. Undoubtedly, Ra’am, Authority (PA) to discuss mutual con- lead a better life, which Israel’s action
to focus on mat- an Israeli Arab party with four seats, cerns. President Biden has expressed may help to accomplish. While Pres-
ters of common supports a Palestinian state. The rest the strong desire to reopen a U.S. con- ident Biden and Prime Minister Ben-
agreement and to of the parties would, to various de- sulate for Palestinian matters in Jeru- nett agree on the concept of “shrinking
maintain the sta- grees, support a Palestinian state sub- salem. the conflict,” they do not agree on the
tus quo for issues ject to strong security provisions for This latter matter has met with desired end outcome. President Biden
on which they had Israel. strong opposition from Prime Minis- sees the fulfillment of a two-state solu-
substantial policy The consensus of Israeli and ter Bennett and the government since tion, but Prime Minister Bennett sees a
Harold M. Halpern differences. American leaders is that conditions are it raises support for a Palestinian claim more flourishing Palestinian life, more
The first and essential test is the not ripe for negotiations between the to East Jerusalem and undermines the self-governance, but never an indepen-
adoption of a budget, which Israel has Palestinian Authority and Israel. Den- prior recognition by the United States dent state. He remembers the 2 Intifa-
not had in more than three years. It nis Ross, Aaron David Miller, analysts of Jerusalem as a unified city and capi- da started by the PA right after Yasser
must be achieved by November 14, or and former State Department advisors, tal of Israel. The U.S. demurs, claiming Arafat turned down, in 2000, an offer
the Knesset is automatically dissolved as well as many others, have repeated- no such intention but merely a desire from Prime Minister Ehud Barak for
and new elections required. The good ly indicated that the issues separating to provide normal consulate services more than 90% of the West Bank with
news is that the parties, as I write be- the parties are too wide to bridge. Both to the Palestinians. Such action by the rights in Jerusalem. For Prime Minister
fore the crucial date, have been able President Joe Biden and his adminis- U.S. has political consequences in Is- Bennett and most of the Israeli public,
to compromise their differences and tration and Prime Minister Bennett and rael. It will provide fuel to the oppo- security is the number one issue.
approve the first reading of the budget. his government want to avoid a crisis sition led by former Prime Minister No one can predict with any assur-
It is anticipated that the parties will in the West Bank so they can focus on Benjamin Netanyahu and weaken the ance whether the “shrinking of the con-
continue to resolve disputes and keep their domestic agendas. This leads to government which has but a one-vote flict” will change the attitudes, making
all 61 members on board for Knesset essentially a status quo policy for the majority. As I write, there has been no negotiations for a two-state solution or
approval. This is essential as the gov- West Bank. announcement. We will wait it out. other peace agreement possible. There
ernment has but a one-vote majority. There is a growing desire ex- Other than resisting the presence are too many uncertainties including
I will devote this column to write pressed to different degrees by Presi- of a U.S. consulate for Palestinians in concern of both Israel and the PA as
about the West Bank. This is one of dent Biden and Prime Minister Bennett Jerusalem, Prime Minister Bennett’s to the danger of Hamas succeeding to
the issues upon which the parties have to what has been called “shrinking the government has joined in the effort to control the West Bank upon the death,
substantial disagreement. The three conflict.” To further this idea, President “shrink the conflict.” The government incapacitation, replacement or remov-
parties of the Right, being about 20 Biden has restored humanitarian and has issued more work permits to Pales- al of President Mahmoud Abbas who
seats including Prime Minister Naftali economic aid to Palestinians through tinians to work in Israel, has provided is ill and 85 years old. “Shrinking the
funds for economic development, lent conflict” does not alleviate Israel’s
money to help keep the PA functioning conundrum of not ruling over anoth-
and reengaged in necessary dialogue er people and fulfilling its obligation
for day-to-day affairs. of providing security for its people.
It has been suggested that more May it begin to provide hope for the
steps be taken to lower the presence of future.
the Israeli military and make it easier Harold Halpern is a retired attorney
to travel from point to point within the residing in Lakewood Ranch. He is a
West Bank. board member of the American Asso-
The thinking of the U.S. adminis-
Have you ever been asked tration is that “shrinking the conflict” ciation of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers
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questions about Israel will not only lower the rhetoric but also American Jewish Committee.
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you can’t answer?
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