Page 33 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 33
COMMENTARY December 2021 33A
Phantom toothache The Iron Dome and antisemitism
By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
irrational, hair-trigger impulses. These wenty years ago, at the United tatives will overwhelmingly stand with Antisemites devote time and ener-
rash failures of judgment are often a Nations Durban Conference, our ally, the State of Israel, in replen- gy attacking Israel in every way pos- that funded the Iron Dome underscores
consequence of perpetrators not having Tthe Boycott Divestment and ishing this defensive system. If you sible. They would love to see the Iron this reality. Peace is what both coun-
worked through unresolved inner con-Sanctions movement was born. Israel, believe in human rights, if you believe Dome put out of business, for then Is- tries wish for the Middle East and, with
flict. The rabbi’s reaction to the wom-the only truly democratic country in in saving lives, Israeli lives and Pal- raelis would be vulnerable to attacks the Iron Dome, that goal can be sought
an’s assault suggests he understood the Middle East, was labeled an “apart- estinian lives, I say to my colleagues and to the destruction of people and and, perhaps, one day attained.
that referred feelings were at play, what heid” state and was said to be a “co- who just besmirched our ally, that you property. Israel and the United States Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
modern psychology terms as transfer-lonialist” usurper with no will support this legisla- have a history of being there for each ing chair of the Robert and Esther
ence. connection to the Promised tion. To falsely character- other. Both countries are devoted to the Heller Community Relations Commit-
Several years ago, an item in The Land. ize the State of Israel is world welfare of each other. The vote tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
New York Times related when a psy- One day before the consistent with those who
chotherapist hopped in a cab but then 20 anniversary, there was advocate for the disman- What do you think?
realized she’d left her purse at home. such a blatant attack on tling of our Jewish state.
She shared the situation with the driv-the State of Israel and her That is antisemitism and The Jewish News wants to know!
er, reassuring him that someone at the people, that the House of I reject that. I stand in
destination would lend her the money Representatives approved support of this important Send an email to
to pay the fare. “That’s all right, “he re-a stand-alone bill that pro- legislation.” Fortunately,
plied. “You seem like a nice old lady. vided Israel with $1 billion 419 other members of the Letters Policy
I’m sure I can trust you.” for replenishing the Iron Rabbi Howard A. Simon House of Representatives Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words, must be typed, and include
Annoyed by her own doing, the Dome missile system. The vote was agreed with Congressman Deutch. the writer’s name, mailing address and phone number. Letters can be submitted
woman rummaged through her pockets 420 in favor of the bill and nine voting Is the Iron Dome necessary for the via USPS or email ( Not all letters will be published.
to find any loose funds. To her relief, against it. Both Democrats and Repub- safety of the citizens of Israel? The Letters may be edited for length and content.
she spied a $20 bill, reporting this to licans identified the Iron Dome as an answer to this question is seen in the
the driver while adding, “I must tell entirely defensive system that Israel fact that all new buildings construct-
you that I did not appreciate your call-needed to protect itself against a host ed in Israel are equipped with an an- Follow us on
ing me an old lady, even a nice one.” of growing threats. ti-rocket safe room. Without the Iron
“Oh,” he replied, “I knew you’d be This stand-alone bill was neces- Dome, which has a 95% success rate
angry at yourself for forgetting your sitated after several House members, in intercepting rockets, these safe
purse so I thought you might as well headed by Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, rooms would be occupied by Israelis
transfer some of it to me.” Rendered Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna time and time again because of contin-
speechless by this display of psycho-Pressley and Pramila Jayapal, led a ued attacks.
logical acumen, the woman reported group of anti-Israel supporters, refus- The Iron Dome is a necessity for @jfedsrq
that she now views cabdrivers with ing to vote in favor of a budget bill the defense of Israel, but it is a very
newfound respect. needed to keep the government going expensive source of protection. Each
Considerable awareness and for-because that bill included funding for battery costs $100 million and each
bearance are required to be the object Israel’s Iron Dome. interceptor missile costs $50,000. The
of someone else’s transferred feel- In response to this attack on Israel, $1 billion bill guarantees that the Iron Stay connected.
ings. Just ask any parent, spouse or Representative Ted Deutch of Florida Dome will continue to function and
member of a helping profession. In stated, “Today, the House of Represen- will defend Israel and its citizens.
performing this role, they are truly
unsung heroes. Transference becomes build. advocate.
therapeutic when often deep-seated
conflicts emerge through the under-
standing agency of others who enable remember. support.
misapplied feelings to be recognized
and explored. Over time, such disclo-
sure and examination serve to enhance Bridges
self-knowledge and redirect negative We build bridges between people by visiting synagogues, churches and civic groups to make
energies to more productive aims. presentations about Israel, antisemitism and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement
Even after thousands of years, the
narrative sections of the Hebrew Bible (BDS). In addition, we send clergy and community members on missions to Israel to
continue to prompt extensive com- experience and learn about the land while forging friendships that deepen
mentary about the figures featured in and continue back home in Sarasota-Manatee.
them. Through the lens of transference,
reflection on their existential circum-
stances and actions still yield rich in-
sights regarding the human condition ^ Builds Bridges
that remain relevant today. In other Robert and Esther Heller
words, Torah study itself is a source of CRC ^ Advocates through Government Affairs
healthy transference. When we seek to ^ Remembers the Holocaust
discern the interior mindsets and mo- COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE
tivations of personages like Abraham,
Sarah, Joseph, Moses, Deborah, Sol-
omon and David, we inevitably also
evince, shed light on and appreciate Outreach
aspects and possibilities in conjunction Fighting antisemitism is an ongoing battle. We have CRC
with our own lives.
Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the Ambassadors ready and able to educate the community to
Community Chaplain and Director of better understand what antisemitism looks like and how
the JFCS Jewish Healing Program. His to fight it alongside the Jewish community.
position is underwritten by The Jewish
Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
Opinions printed in The Jewish News of To build relationships within the
Sarasota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect Jewish and non-Jewish communities
those of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota- and to advance common interests
Manatee, its Board of Directors or staff. through education and advocacy.