Page 29 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 29
70 Miss Universe Competition to air live around
the world on December 12 from Eilat, Israel
EW YORK, NY (October 27, raeli Tourism Minister Yoel Razvozov. Israel ahead of the competition to ex- is on the world agenda for the next
2021) – The Miss Universe “We needed to create tourism anchors plore all the host country has to offer, generation of women. The broadcast
NOrganization, the Israeli Min- that will promote and present Israel to beginning in Jerusalem and ending will aim to raise awareness amongst
istry of Tourism and the city of Eilat the world as a vaccination nation that their trip in Eilat, where the competi- the hundreds of millions of spectators,
today announced that the 70 Miss invites tourists to visit. The Miss Uni- tion will take place. with the hopes of inspiring action in
Universe Competition will air live verse pageant is without doubt an im- The competition, in addition to cel- the contestants’ communities.
from Eilat, Israel, on Sunday, Decem- portant and significant anchor of this ebrating the past 70 years of champion- “As a company that has the distinct
ber 12 at 7:00 p.m. EST. Israeli singer plan.” ing strong women and their platforms, advantage of bringing a global spot-
and international star Noa Kirel will The organization also unveiled will also shine a spotlight on the issue light to world issues, I look forward to
perform at the competition. details for the competition’s venue, a of global warming as part of a green showcasing both how our contestants
“I’m so excited and honored to be state-of-the-art, bespoke arena. The agenda that corresponds with the val- can make a difference in their com-
performing at Miss Universe,” said custom “Universe Arena,” which was ues of the host country. Using the Miss munities and around the world,” said
Kirel. “By believing in themselves and imported from Portugal, rises to a Universe platform, the December 12 Paula M. Shugart, president of the
fearlessly chasing their dreams, these height of 16.5 meters and has the capac- production will highlight both the bold Miss Universe Organization. “I know
women from around the world live and ity to hold over 70 tons of equipment. contestants of the past and the social that the city of Eilat will provide a
breathe the values of the Miss Universe The building is treated to accommo- and global issues they faced in their great space for our contestants to learn
Organization, and I can’t wait to share date television filming and contains a time, and the fact that climate change and grow together.”
this celebratory moment with all of stage and approximately 5,000 seats.
them on this incredible global stage.” Senior members of the Miss Uni-
Grossinger’s, the word went forth… This year’s competition will also verse Organization were in Israel
everywhere in the green rolling coun-
tryside from Monticello to Mountain- feature two other contestants from the throughout October to tour the country
dale, from Ellenville to Hurleyville, region: Miss Universe United Arab and attend planning meetings. They
the Word went forth: “Good evening, Emirates and Miss Universe Moroc- met with Mayor of Eilat, Eli Lankri,
co. This will mark the first time that a
and closely supervised the infrastruc-
ladies and gentlemen, dinner is now delegate from the United Arab Emir- ture and construction work of the Miss
being served in the main dining room.”
* * * ates has competed in the competition. Universe complex.
Greenfield describes young Na- Additionally, Miss Universe Morocco “The choice of Eilat will continue
than’s introduction – or initiation – into returns to the competition for the first to strengthen its position as a leading
time in over four decades.
international tourist city,” said Lankri.
this world of unlimited food service “Despite the challenges the “Hundreds of millions of spectators
like this: “For the next two-and-a-half
hours, Nathan found himself caught in Covid-19 pandemic placed in our path, around the globe will be able to enjoy
a dizzying Dada-esque nightmare of we knew how to maintain the balance the rare beauty of the city of Eilat and
noise, steam, heat and the merciless ex- between health and the economy, to its spectacular sites.”
The contestants’ will arrive in
bring tourism back to Israel,” said Is-
cavation of mountains of food by 256
people who had obviously never eaten Get to know Israel and her people!
in their lives.”
In addition to that realization, he Visit
has intriguing conversations with –
and gains insights from – the hotel’s
social director, Morty Mishkin, whose
troubling personality, bi-
zarre life experience and
unusual perspective on
other people challenge
his youthful understand-
ing – or lack of it.
His path to adult-
hood is further paved by
Ruthie, the only female
dining room staffer who we
offers sympathy and un- for you
derstanding when the
staff quarters burns down and people because we CARE about you.
are lost to the flames.
Reading this gem of a book is to
settle back and enjoy a bygone era of
simpler times and pleasures, whether
or not you spent any of your summers
in the Borscht Belt.
Greenfield’s other books include We believe your doctor should get to know you personally, have
three memoirs of the Vietnam War the flexibility to see you at any time, and commit to delivering
and two entertaining books about his
favorite topic – wine. He is a wine benefit-oriented care and advice tailored to your unique needs.
consultant, conducting private tastings
and wine dinners, and staff training for Discover how LernerCohen puts the CARE in Healthcare.
restaurants. He resides in Fort Myers Schedule a meet and greet to see if concierge care is right for you.
and is a board member of the Jewish
Federation of Lee and Charlotte Coun-
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