Page 27 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 27
JEWISH INTEREST December 2021 27A
The Yiddish Book Center Harold Grinspoon becomes 2,000 person
to sign Jewish Future Pledge
could. He was a 23-year-old grad
student studying Yiddish and be- More than 2,000 Jews of all backgrounds from around the world have committed to allocate
came aware of the dearth of texts at least half of the charitable giving at their passing to secure the Jewish future.
available. What started out as an
attempt to supplement the meager n Monday, October 11, noted organizations that are the fabric of our the next generations.” is earmarked to support the Jewish
Jewish philanthropist Harold
In the last year, Leven has also
people and/or the State of Israel. Learn
supply of books, grew into an av- OGrinspoon – the Founder of Grinspoon established the Harold spearheaded the launch of the Jewish more at
alanche that continues to this day. PJ Library, LIFE & LEGACY and Grinspoon Foundation (HGF) in 1991 Youth Pledge, an initiative that asks About the Jewish Youth Pledge
It’s a wonderful story that I highly JCamp 180 – became the 2,000 signer with the mission of enhancing Jewish Jewish teens to commit their time, The Jewish Youth Pledge asks Jewish
recommend. I also recommend a of the Jewish Future Pledge. Individu- life. The Foundation’s philosophy is talent and energy over the course of teens and young adults, ages 13-29, to
visit to the Yiddish Book Center in als from around the world have taken infused with Harold’s business acumen their lifetime to strengthen the Jewish take active roles throughout their life-
Amherst, Massachusetts, where the the Jewish Future Pledge, committing and works to promote visionary ideas, people and the land of Israel. With the times to strengthen the Jewish people
collection now lives. that at the time of their passing, at least dynamic partnerships, with a focus on assistance of several test organizations and the land of Israel. It calls on them
This September, while spending 50% of their philanthropic resources return on investment and a drive to un- – JNF, AEPi, NCSY and BBYO – the to actively contribute their unique tal-
Rosh Hashanah with my son and will be earmarked for causes and orga- derstand and meet the needs of people Jewish Youth Pledge has garnered the ents in a range of ways to strengthen
family, I visited the Yiddish Book nizations that support the Jewish peo- served. support of nearly 3,000 pledgers. global Jewry, committing to the local
Center and was moved beyond my ple and/or the State of Israel. “During my lifetime and upon About the Jewish Future Pledge Jewish community and the land of
Launched in 2020, the Jewish Fu-
ability to fully convey. The facility ture Pledge can be signed by anyone my passing, nearly all my assets will The Jewish Future Pledge is a world- Israel.
be directed to the Harold Grinspoon
wide movement inspiring Jews of all
was nothing like I could have imag- who wants to help secure the Jewish Foundation so that together with other backgrounds to commit that from the
ined, not in its grandeur, but in its future, regardless of their age, back- philanthropic partners we can strength- charity they leave at their passing, no STAY
ground, net worth or how much they en and grow the Jewish community matter how large or small, at least half
plan to leave to charity. It has rapidly through welcoming, engaging and CONNECTED
expanded partnerships with Jewish or- stimulating opportunities for connec- Crossword Puzzle
ganizations across North America. tion with our Jewish tradition and with
The diverse group of pledgers are one another,” Grinspoon added. Solution to puzzle on page 21A
from across the U.S., Canada, Mex- “We are honored that Harold Grin-
ico, Brazil, Panama, Ireland, UK and spoon has become the 2,000 signer
Israel, and share the common goal of of the Jewish Future Pledge. These
securing the Jewish future for genera- pledgers are helping to ignite a surge
tions to come. in Jewish pride and proving that they
“I want future generations to ex- care about sustaining the Jewish peo-
Main floor of the Yiddish Book Center perience a world that allows them to ple,” said Jewish Future Pledge Found-
elegant simplicity. There are rooms embrace their Jewish roots, find mean- er Mike Leven. “I am thrilled to see the
for study, a small intimate theatre for ing in Jewish living and stand tall with rapid growth of pledgers joining our
lectures and performances, and the pride,” said Harold Grinspoon upon movement. The community we have
main floor with stacks of volumes signing the pledge. “We must culti- built is proof of just how bright the
of Yiddish books, some almost new vate philanthropic giving to secure Jewish future can be through our uni- .com/jfedsrq
looking, and others, with worn and the future of the Jewish programs and fied commitment to one another and
frayed spines, indicative of the lov-
ing hands that held them, on display
and available to the visitor to touch,
read and remember. You can learn
more at
The trip is more than a trip. It is
a pilgrimage to the lost world of our
forefathers, and one that was lost
due to the madness of one individ-
ual and his ability to get others to
forget their humanity and follow in
his insanity. Would you like to pay less tax?
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